
Ms Satyasree Balijepally

Assistant Professor,Foreign Language

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
MA Communication and Journalism Osmania University, Osmania University, Arts College, OU campus, tarnaka, Hyderabad 500007
Master of Arts, C 1 French French Bangalore University Jnana Nharathi, Bengaluru - 560056
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Le role des industries créatives à promouvoir la coopération culturelle entre la France et L'inde LOKOGANDHAR 2024 https://lokogandhar.com/2024/09/ Corresponding 1 Impact Factor 3.57
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop)
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Start Date Place Duration
Developing Higher Order Teaching Skills in the FLE Classroom Seminar National Aliance Francaise, Institut Francais, Christ Deemed to be university 18-11-2023 Christ to be University, Bengaluru one day
JESCOL towadrs proactive partnership Seminar Other Bangalore Jesuit Education Society 18-11-2023 SJC, Bengaluru 3 days
Les Journees Duras Conference National Indian Association Of Teachers of French 29-09-2023 CGL, BCU one day
Micro-Teaching & Curriculum Development Seminar National Department of Foreign Languages, BU 31-05-2023 Department of Foreign Languages, BU 2 days
Stratégies pour une idéation efficace en classe de FLE Workshop National Association of Indian French professionals & researchers, Institut Francais(Inde), Chist-deemed 10-07-2020 Online one day
SJC Digital teacher Training Program Intra-Collegiate SJC 25-06-2020 online 6 days
Transitioning from Seminar to Webinar: A Complete Guide Workshop National Dept of Sociology, SJC 24-06-2020 online 3 hours
Alice Reboul - Dynamiser la classe de FLE : Interagir autrement avec Adomania Training Program International 19-05-2020 online one hour
Membership (Research body/Professional Association)
Name of the Body Position Level Start Date End Date Any other Information
Board of Studies Member Others 20-11-2019 20-11-2020
Board of Examiners Member Others 01-10-2018 Continuing as a member of BOE of Christ Deemed to be University to date
BOARD OF Studies MEMBER Others 21-08-2013 21-08-2014
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Guest faculty for Master's (French) CGL, BCU 24-12-2021 15-08-2023
Guest Faculty St. Joseph-s College of Commerce (Autonomous) 20-02-2012 18-03-2014
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Diplomatie Culturelle: les relations franco-indiennes à travers la langue, la littérature et la culture Seminar National Department of French, Chandernagore College, Chandernagore in collaboration with Lokogandhar, international peer 'reviewed journal on Modern Research Online 11-05-2024 12-05-2024
Enseignement de la Littérature française et francophone: perspectives nouvelles et pratiques innovantes Seminar National French Section, Department of Foreign Languages, SavitriBhai Phule Pune Universitz and Indian Association of Teachers of French online 18-11-2023 18-06-2024
Reorienting the Teaching-Learning Paradigm for thr 21st centurez classroom Workshop International Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph's University, Bengaluru online 05-07-2023 07-07-2023
JESCOL towards proactive partnership 2019-20 Seminar State Bangalore Jesuit Society St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore. 18-11-2019 20-11-2019
Developing Higher order Teaching Skills in the FLE classroom Seminar National Christ deemed to be University, Alliance Francaise, Institut Francais christ deemed to be University 17-11-2018 18-12-2018
Solution in classes French as Foreign language Training Program National Christ Ddeemed to be university Christ deemed to be University 26-11-2016 27-11-2016
Les Journees Duras Conference National Indian Association Of Teachers of french, The French Embassy in India, Institut Francais in India Dept of Foreign languages, P.k block, Place road, bangalore 29-09-2014 29-09-2014
Micro-teaching & Curriculum Development Seminar State Department of Foreign languages, Bangalore University Dept of Foreign Languages, P.K block, Palace Road, Bangalore. 31-05-2014 01-06-2014
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan
https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/520110 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/520110 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/520110 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/520110