
Dr Neelam Mishra

Assistant Professor,Botany

Specialization : Plant molecular biology and genetics

Employee Code : 20180601441

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
PhD Biology Texas Tech University, US 2500 Broadway W, Lubbock, TX 79409, United States
MTech Applied botany IIT kharagpur Kharagpur, west bengal
Msc botany DEEN DAYAL UPADHYAY GORAKHPUR UNIVERSITY Civil Lines, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273009 Yes
BSc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Mohanlal sukhadia University University Rd, Ganapati Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET life sciences Cleared
OTHERS Applied botany Cleared
NET Life Sciences Cleared
OTHERS Botany Cleared
OTHERS Botany, Chemistry and Zoology Cleared
PG Diploma Details
Programme Name Main Subject University Name Start Date End Date Mark / Grade Obtained
MTech Applied Botany IIT Kharagpur 05-05-2005 05-06-2020 A+
Msc Botany gorakhpur university 08-07-2003 08-07-2005 77.11%
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Overexpression of RIce SUMO E3 ligase gene in cotton enhances drought and heat tolerance in cotton Texas Tech University 2500 Broadway W, Lubbock, TX 79409, United States 10-06-2010 13-07-2016 4 Awarded
Overexpression of SUMO E3 ligase improves drought and heat tolerance in cotton Texas Tech University 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409, United States 01-06-2010 01-06-2018 1. Mishra N*., Jiang C., Chen L., Paul A., Chatterjee A., Shen G. Achieving Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants through Antioxidative Defense Mechanisms Front Plant Sci. 2023 (Accepted) Q1 2. Paul A, Srivastava A, Subrahmanya S, Shen G, Mishra N*. In-silico genome wide analysis of Mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase gene family in C. sinensis Plos one 2021 Nov https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258657 Q1 3. Paul A, Chatterjee A, Subrahmanya S, Shen G, Mishra N*. NHX Gene Family in Camellia sinensis: In-silico Genome-Wide Identification, Expression Profiles, and Regulatory Network Analysis. Front Plant Sci. 2021 Dec 20;12:777884. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.777884. PMID: 34987532; PMCID: PMC8720784. Q1 4. Supriya P. Swain, Subhi Gupta, Nidhi Das, Tanos Celmar Costa Franca, Arlan da Silva Goncalves, Teodorico Castro Ramalho, Shreya Subrahmanya, Utkarsh Narsaria, Debashrito Deb & Neelam Mishra* (2021): Flavanones: A potential natural inhibitor of the ATP binding site of PknG of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1965913 Q1 5. Wijewardene, I., Mishra, N., Sun, L., Smith, J., Zhu, X., Payton, P., Shen, G., Zhang, H. Improving drought-, salinity-, and heat-tolerance in transgenic plants by co-overexpressing Arabidopsis vacuolar pyrophosphatase gene AVP1 and Larrea Rubisco activase gene RCA. Plant Science (2020) 296, 1-13. Q1 6. Chatterjee, A., Paul, A., Unnati, G.M., Rajput, R., Biwas, T., Kar, T., Basak, S., Mishra, N., Pandey, A., Srivastava, A.P. MAPK cascade gene family in Camellia sinensis: In-silico identification, expression profiles and regulatory network analysis. BMC Genomics (2020). 21, 613. Q1 7. Esmaeili N., Cai Y., Tang F., Zhu X., Smith J., Mishra N., Hequet E., Ritchie G., Jones D., Shen G., Payton P., Zhang H. Towards doubling fiber yield for cotton in the semiarid agricultural area by increasing tolerance to drought, heat, and salinity simultaneously. Plant Biotechnology Journal (2021) 16, 462-476. Q1 8.Chen L., Hu W., Mishra N., Wei J., Lu H., Hou Y., Qiu X., Yu S., Wang C., Zhang H., Cai Y., Sun C., Shen G. (2020) AKR2A interacts with KCS1 to improve VLCFAs contents and chilling tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14848 9. Srivastava, A.P, Mishra, N., Prasad, R.L.A., Rajesh, P., Knaff, D.B. (2020). Thermodynamics of ferredoxin binding to cyanobacterial nitrate reductase. Photosynth Res. doi: 10.1007/s11120-020-00738-7. Q1 10. Pehlivan N., Sun L., Mishra N. (2020) Defensive manoeuvres of NHX1 and SOS1 co/overexpression in plant salt tolerance Turk J Bot, 44: doi:10.3906/bot-2001-37. Q1 11. Sun, L., Pehlivan, N., Esmaeili, N., Jiang, W., Yang, X., Jarrett, P., Mishra, N., Zhu, X., Cai, Y., Herath, M., Shen, G., Zhang, H. (2018). Co-overexpression of AVP1 and PP2A-C5 in Arabidopsis makes plants tolerant to multiple abiotic stresses. Plant Sci., 274, 271-283. Q1 12. Zhu, X., Sun, L., Kuppu, S., Hu, R., Mishra, N., Smith, J., Esmaeili, N., Herath, M., Gore, M., Payton, P., Shen, G., Zhang, H. (2018). The yield difference between wild-type cotton and transgenic cotton that expresses IPT depends on when water-deficit stress is applied. Sci. Rep. Q1 13. Mishra N, Srivastava A.P, Esmaeili N, Hu W, Shen G (2018) Overexpression of the rice gene OsSIZ1 in Arabidopsis improves drought-, heat-, and salt-tolerance simultaneously. PLoS One 13:(8):e0201716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201716. eCollection. Q1 14. Mishra N, Sun L, Zhu X, Smith J, Srivastava A.P, Yang X, Pehlivan N, Esmaeili N, Luo H, Shen G, Jones D, Auld D, Burke J, Payton P, Zhang H (2017). Over-expression of the rice SUMO E3 ligase gene OsSIZ1 in cotton enhances drought and heat tolerance, and substantially improves fiber yields in field under reduced irrigation and rainfed conditions Plant Cell and Physiology, 58 (4) 735-746. Q1 15. Pehlivan N, Sun L, Jarrett P, Yang X, Mishra N, Chen L, Shen G, Kadioglu A, Zhang H. (2016). Co-overexpressing a plasma membrane sodium/proton antiporter and a vacuolar membrane sodium/proton antiporter significantly improves salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell and Physiology, 57 (5), 1069-1084. Q1 16. Yang X, Zhao Y, Xi D, Sun Y, Zhu X, Esmaeili N, Yang Z, Wang Ye, Yin G, Lv S, Nie L, Tang Z, Zhao F, Li W, Mishra N, Sun L, Zhu W, Fang W. (2016). Identification and Functional Analysis of microRNAs Involved in the Anther Development in Cotton Genic Male Sterile Line Yu98- 8A. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 17 (10); 1677. Q1 17. Kuppu S, Mishra N, Hu R, Sun L, Zhu X, Shen G, Blumwald E., Payton P, Zhang H. (2013). Water Deficit Inducible expression of a cytokinin biosynthetic gene improves drought tolerance in transgenic cotton. PLoS One. May 10; 8(5): e64190. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0064190. Q1 18. Hua Q, Qiang G, Kuppu S, Sun L, Zhu X, Mishra N, Hu R, Shen G, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhu L, Zhang X, Burrow M, Payton P, Zhang H. (2013). Expression of the Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase gene AVP1 in peanut to improve drought and salt tolerance Plant Biotechnology Reports 7: 345-355. Q1 Awarded
Post Doc Details
Institution Name Institution Address Start Date End Date Subject Outcome
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, Illinois 60064 01-10-2016 31-07-2017 Life Sciences Research papers
Books Published
Title Type No of Authors or Editors Your authorial position Year ISBN Publisher Details
A Practical Manual on bacteriology Morphological and biochemical characterization Edited 3 2nd 2024 978-620-4-19819-4 Lambert Academic Publishing
• A Practical Manual on Bacteriology “Morphological and Biochemical Characterization” Edited 3 2nd and corresponding 2021 978-620-4-19819-4 Lambert Academic Publishing
Book Chapter Published
Article Title Book title Book editor Article pages No of Chapters Year ISBN Publisher Details
Detection of Cyanotoxins: Bioassay Using Plants Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin N. Thajuddin · A. Sankara narayanan · D. Dhanasekaran 233-242 1 2024 978-981-99-4513-9 o Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023
Detection of Cyanotoxins: Bioassay Using Plant. Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin, N. Thajuddin et al. 233-241 1 2023 978-981- 99-4514-6 Springer
Symbiotic cyanobacteria in gymnosperms and Cynobacterial Symbiotic interactions in pteridophytes Microbial Symbionts Functions and Molecular Interactions on Host Dhanasekaran Dharumadurai 3-9 and 29-34 2 2023 ISBN 978-0-323-99334-0 Elsevier
Cyanobacterial symbiotic interaction in pteridophytes Microbial Symbionts : Functions and Molecular Interactions on Host Dhanasekaran Dharumadurai 3-9 1 2022 978-0-323-99334-0 Elsevier
Symbiotic cyanobacteria in gymnosperms Microbial Symbionts Functions and Molecular Interactions on Host Dhanasekaran Dharumadurai 29-34 1 2022 978-0-323-99334-0 Elsevier
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Genome Wide Identification, Expression Profiles and Regulatory Network Analysis of SOS Group of Genes in Camellia sinensis Tropical Plant Biology 2025 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-025-09411-6 Corresponding 10
Achieving Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants through Antioxidative Defense Mechanisms Frontiers in plant science 2023 1st and corresponding 6 6.627
In-silico identification, expressional profile and regulatory network analysis of Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase gene family in C. sinensis Plos One 2021 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0258657 Corresponding 5 2.000-4.999
NHX Gene Family in Camellia sinensis: In-silico Genome-Wide Identification, Expression Profiles, and Regulatory Network Analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 2021 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.777884 Corresponding 5 5.000-9.999
Flavanones: A potential natural inhibitor of the ATP binding site of PknG of Mycobacterium tuberculo Journal of Biomolecular structure and dynamics 2021 https://doi.org/10.1080/07391102.2021.1965913 Corresponding 10 2.000-4.999
Defensive maneuvers of NHX1 and SOS1 co/over-expression in plant salt tolerance Turkish journal of Botany 2020 10.3906/bot-2001-37 Other 3 1.000-1.999
MAPK cascade gene family in Camellia sinensis: In-silico identification, expression profiles and reg BMC Genomics 2020 https://bmcgenomics.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12864-020-07030-x Other 10 2.000-4.999
Improving drought-, salinity-, and heat-tolerance in transgenic plants by co-overexpressing Arabidop Plant Science 2020 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110499 2nd 8 2.000-4.999
AKR2A interacts with KCS1 to improve VLCFAs contentsand chilling tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana The Plant Journal 2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14848 Other 13 5.000-9.999
Towards doubling fiber yield for cotton in the semiarid agricultural area by increasing tolerance to Plant Biotechnology Jounal 2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13476 Other 12 5.000-9.999
Thermodynamics of ferredoxin binding to cyanobacterial nitrate reductase Photosynthesis Research 2020 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32222887 2nd 5 2.000-4.999
Co-overexpression of AVP1 and PP2A-C5 in Arabidopsis makes plants tolerant to multiple abiotic stres Plant science 2018 10.1016/j.plantsci.2018.05.026 Other 12 2.000-4.999
The yield difference between wildtype cotton and transgenic cotton that expresses IPT depends on whe Scientific reports 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-20944-7 Other 12 2.000-4.999
Overexpression of the rice gene OsSIZ1 in Arabidopsis improves drought-, heat-, and salt-tolerance s PLos one 2018 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201716 1st 5 2.000-4.999
Overexpression of the Rice SUMO E3 Ligase Gene OsSIZ1 in Cotton Enhances Drought and Heat Tolerance, Plant and cell physiology 2017 10.1093/pcp/pcx032 1st 15 2.000-4.999
Identification and Functional Analysis of microRNAs Involved in the Anther Development in Cotton Gen International Journal o f Molecular Sciences 2016 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms17101677 Other 18 2.000-4.999
Co-overexpressing a Plasma Membrane and a Vacuolar Membrane Sodium/Proton Antiporter Significantly I plant and cell physiology 2016 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26985021 Other 9 2.000-4.999
Water-Deficit Inducible Expression of a Cytokinin Biosynthetic Gene IPT Improves Drought Tolerance i PLOS oNE 2013 10.1371/journal.pone.0064190 2nd 9 2.000-4.999
Expression of the Arabidopsis vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene AVP1 in peanut to improve drought and plant biotechnology Reports 2013 10.1007/s11816-012-0269-5 Other 13 1.000-1.999
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Heterologous expression of the rice gene OsSIZ1 improves both drought and heat tolerance in transgen Beltwide cotton conference 2016 national cotton council of america International 05-01-2016 New Orleans, lousiana USA Three Days
Heterologous expression of the rice gene OsSIZ1 improves both drought and heat tolerance in transgen Beltwide cotton conference 2015 National cotton council of america International 05-01-2015 san antonio, texas USA Three Days
Heterologous expression of the rice gene OsSIZ1 improves both drought and heat tolerance in transgen OGALLALA AQUIFER WORKSHOP OGALLALA AQUIFER International 25-03-2014 LUBBOCK, TEXAS UNITED STATES Two Days
Water Deficit Inducible Expression of a Cytokinin Biosynthetic Gene IPT Improves Drought Tolerance i Plant Biology 2012 Annual Meeting of American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) International 20-07-2012 Austin, Texas USA Three Days
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Conference National st. joseph's college autonomous, bengaluru 17-12-2019 National conference on Data Revolution in computational biology and drug development Two days Bengaluru
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Puraskara 2024 Others St. Joseph's University Bengaluru 18-05-2024
Preston and Ima Smith Fellowship International Texas Tech University Graduate School Texas, USA 22-10-2014
13th Annual Graduate School Research Poster Competition International TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY UNITED STATES 11-04-2014
12th Annual Graduate School Research Poster Competition 2013, Others TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY UNITED STATES 12-04-2013
water conservation research scholarship International texas tech university graduate school Texas USA 18-10-2012
UNIVERSITY GOLD MEDAL Others Gorakhpur University INDIA 08-07-2005
janaki prasad bhargava Gold medal 2005 Others Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur, U.P. 08-07-2005
• K. S. Bhargawa Gold medal 2005 Others Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur University, U.P. 08-07-2005
Guideship Details
Serial Number Name of the Candidate Department University Title of the thesis Date of Award of Degree
23 PHDBOT001 Mariam Khadeeja BOTANY St. Joseph University, Bengaluru
22PHDSJU028 Triveni BOTANY St. Joseph's University Secondary metabolite production through plant tissue culture and its application
22PHDSJU028 Triveni BOTANY St. Joseph's University
22PHDSJU007 Sr. Nithya Fernandes BOTANY St. Joseph's University
22PHDSJU007 Nithya Folita Fernandes BOTANY St. Joseph's University
Guidance and Support
Title of the Paper Department Year of Guidance Type Name of the Institution Name of Students
BOTANY 2022-23 PhD St. Joseph's University Nithya Folita Fernandes Triveni
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Teaching, learning and Evaluation Workshop National St. Joseph's University Bengaluru 28-02-2024 28-02-2024
Mentoring and Basic counselling skills Training Program State Samagra Bengaluru 01-11-2023 01-02-2024
Refresher Course in Botany Refresher Courses International Ramanujan College, University of delhi Delhi 29-07-2023 13-08-2023
Research tools and applications Training Program National St. Joseph's University Bengaluru 04-08-2022 04-08-2022
FDP on 5 learning disciplines Orientation Programmes National St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 12-07-2022 13-07-2022
How to make a Terrarium_a Mini Garden Seminar International ST. Joseph's college (autonomous) Bengaluru 05-06-2021 05-06-2021
International Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Convention by Gene Research Foundation Seminar International St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 26-02-2021 27-02-2021
Medicinal Plants, Raw drug identification and Standardization Seminar International Sri Dharmasthala manjunatheshwara College UJIRE (DK) 14-09-2020 14-09-2020
Role of Botanists in Developing Urban Green Spaces and Plant Conservation Seminar National Sri Dharmasthala manjunatheshwara college UJIRE (DK) 10-09-2020 10-09-2020
Career in Medicinal Plant Sciences Seminar National Sri Dharmastahala Manjunatheshwara College UJIRE (DK) 07-09-2020 07-09-2020
‘National Education Policy 2020: A New Roadmap for Teachers Other Orientation National St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 05-09-2020 05-09-2020
Modern Approaches in Plant Sciences Seminar National Sri DHarmasthala Manjunatheshwara College UJIRE (DK) 03-09-2020 03-09-2020
PAPER DEVICES:BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Seminar International Little Flower Degree College Uppal,Hyderabad-500039, Telangana 31-08-2020 31-08-2020
IQAC initiated UGC-STRIDE sponsored Three Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology and Use of Software Tools” Orientation Programmes National KLE Society’s S. Nijalingappa College, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru-560010, Karnataka Bengaluru 21-07-2020 23-07-2020
Food and Well Being Challenges of the 21st Century (A fit body, a calm mind, a house of full of love) Seminar International Department of Home Science and Psychology, Sophia Girls’ College (Autonomous), Ajmer (Rajasthan) Rajasthan 17-07-2020 18-07-2020
Understanding OBS Studio & Streamyard for E-Content Creation and Live Streaming Workshop National Dr.M.G.R EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Deemed to be University) University with Special Autonomy Status Maduravoyal, Chennai - 600 095. Tamilnadu. India. Tamil Nadu 10-07-2020 11-07-2020
Webinar on DBT's Response to COVID-19 Seminar International In pods Ed Tech Bengaluru 03-07-2020 03-07-2020
SJC Digital Teacher Training Program National St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 25-06-2020 30-06-2020
Reconfiguring the mind: Post Covid conciousness Orientation Programmes National IQAC, Jyoti Nivas College (autonomous) Bengaluru 23-06-2020 27-06-2020
International Webinar on Current Trends in Phytomedicine Research Seminar International Department of Botany, St. Joseph's college (autonomous) Bengaluru 14-06-2020 14-06-2020
Expanding Dimensions in Plant Research Seminar National Department of Plant Science, central University of Kerala Kerala 08-06-2020 09-06-2020
c Malaria in kerala potentials for future outbreaks Seminar International Farook College (autonomous) Kerala 06-06-2020 06-06-2020
Medicinal Plants & Biodiversity Conservation Seminar International Department of Botany, University P.G. College, Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar Telangana 05-06-2020 05-06-2020
“Higher Education in the 21 st Century: Vision and Action in the Current Scenario Seminar International Department of Chemistry, Mount Carmel College, Bengaluru. Bengaluru 05-06-2020 06-06-2020
Conservation of Biodiversity in Kalyan Karnataka Region: Opportunities and challenges Seminar National Loyola College, Manvi Manvi 05-06-2020 05-06-2020
Short term faculty development programme organised by IQAC FDPs attended National APS college of Arts and sciences Bengaluru 28-05-2020 30-05-2020
One Week Live Webinar Series of International E-Conference in Plant Sciences’ Seminar National Department of Studies in Botany, Davangere University, Shivagangothri, Davangere Davengere 25-05-2020 30-05-2020
Erudition 2020 FDPs attended State Payanur College, Kerala kerala 23-05-2020 28-06-2020
NAAC Accreditation management system demo Seminar International In pods Ed Tech Bengaluru 22-05-2020 22-05-2020
Webcast on Advanced OBE- Identifying weaker students and remedial actions Seminar National In pods Ed Tech Bengaluru 21-05-2020 21-05-2020
Antibiotics- Why the crisis Seminar International Bhavan's Vivekananda college of Humanities, Science and Commerce Secunderabad 15-05-2020 15-05-2020
“Training on E-Content Development: Strategies, Tools and Opportunities” FDPs attended State St. Joseph's college autonomous Bengaluru Bengaluru 13-05-2020 21-05-2020
“Training on E-Content Development: Strategies, Tools and Opportunities” Training Program National St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 13-05-2020 21-05-2020
COURSERA on Plant Bioinformatics MOOCs completed International University of Toronto Toronto 05-05-2020 29-05-2020
International Webinar on Plant Omics in Space, Seminar International Botanical Society, Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Bengaluru 05-05-2020 05-05-2020
Newer Trends in Immunology Refresher Courses National Department of Microbiology, St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 25-01-2020 25-01-2020
National conference on Data revolution in Computational Biology and Drug Deveopment Conference National St. Jospeh's college (autonomous) Bengaluru 17-12-2019 18-12-2019
workshop on methods in plant sciences Workshop State st. joseph's college and cellkraft biotech pvt. ltd. bengaluru 01-02-2019 01-02-2019
JESCOL: Jesuit Lay collaboration Seminar State BJES, Benagluru Bengaluru 28-09-2018 30-09-2020
Faculty Induction Programme Orientation Programmes Others St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru 01-06-2018 08-06-2018
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
AARI Bioscience World Wide Webinar Series Session-XI, entitled "Genetic Engineering for Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants". Invited Talk National Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI) “Educate, Encourage, and Promote Algal Science” 1/152, Vembuli Amman Koil Street, Madipakkam, Chennai- 600091, 01-07-2020 Tamil Nadu India
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=nMv5p2YAAAAJ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Neelam-Mishra-6 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6191-5392 ABD-3008-2021
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=nMv5p2YAAAAJ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Neelam-Mishra-6 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6191-5392 ABD-3008-2021 https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/295039