Academic Degree | Subject | University | Address of the University | Rank/ Medals |
Ph.D. | Botany | University of Madras | University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai | Yes |
M.Sc. | Botany | University of Madras | University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai | Yes |
Programme Name | Main Subject | University Name | Start Date | End Date | Mark / Grade Obtained |
DELF A2 | French | French Ministry of Education, France | 04-01-2010 | 06-05-2010 | 50 |
DELF A1 | French | French Ministry of Education, France | 01-06-2009 | 07-11-2009 | 72 |
Title of Thesis | University / Institution | University Address | Date of Registration | Date of Completion | Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) | Current Status |
Pollen analysis of lake sediments, surface soils and leaf trait measurements in the Eastern Ghats, I | University of Madras | Chepauk, Chennai | 02-09-2005 | 26-02-2010 | 2 Research Articles, 1 Conference proceeding full paper and 9 Abstracts in Conferences/Symbosia | Awarded |
Institution Name | Institution Address | Start Date | End Date | Subject | Outcome |
French Institute of Pondicherry | French Institute of Pondicherry, 11 St. Louis Street, Puducherry | 01-12-2009 | 28-02-2013 | Pollen analyses of Quaternary sediments: Reconstructing vegetation and environment History | Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai |
Title | Type | No of Authors or Editors | Your authorial position | Year | ISBN | Publisher Details |
Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation | Edited | 4 | Other | 2022 | 979-8885551854 | Notion Press |
Article Title | Book title | Book editor | Article pages | No of Chapters | Year | ISBN | Publisher Details |
Kelp Forests - A Highly Productive Ecosystem Service at High Risk | Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation | Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. | 176-186 | 2 | 2022 | 979-8885551854 | Notion Press |
Photomorphogenesis, A Light-Mediated Development | Emerging Trends in Life Sciences (Vol. 1) | Kadam, S. | 125-134 | 2 | 2022 | 978-81-955557-2-7 | SciEng Publications |
Pollen and Pollen Allergic Diseases: A Critical Appraisal | Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation | Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. | 204-221 | 2 | 2022 | 979-8885551854 | Notion Press |
Phyllanthus: Bhumy-Amalaki/ Keezh-Kai-Nelli, A Wonder Plant | Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation | Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. | 187-203 | More | 2022 | 979-8885551854 | Notion Press |
Bamboo: Tree or grass - a critical appraisal in the light of Indian Forest Act | Multi-Disciplinary Research and Innovation | Futane, G. S., Hadole, Ku. S. P., Stephen, A., and Yadav, W. K. | 151-175 | 2 | 2022 | 979-8885551854 | Notion Press |
Quality Biological Science Education: Research Articles vs. Textbooks | Quality in Education | T. Sivasakthi Rajammal | 113-116 | 1 | 2021 | 978-1-6780-5466-3 | Lulu Publication, |
Teachers vs Technology – a Critical Appraisal on the Quality of Education. | Contemporary Multidisciplinary Research Trend | Yadav, W. K. Futane, G. S., Sowmya. H. S., Padma, K. R., Uma, E. and Sudarshan, M. | 255-263 | 2 | 2021 | 978-1685861445 | Notion Press, |
Toxicological studies on three traditionally used medicinal plants using Drosophila melanogaster. | Wisdom of Indian Medicinal Plants | Shivakumar Singh, P. | 142-153 | More | 2021 | 978-93-5419-762-8 | Immortal Publications |
Online Life Science Education During the time of Pandemics: Boon or Bane? | Meaningful Education | Hem Raj, Kanan Kapil, Fatma Gausiya and Openderjeet Kaur | 105-110 | 1 | 2021 | 978-93-90953-42-4 | Twentyfirst Century Publications, |
Consumer preference of cosmetic products in Bengaluru urban areas, Karnataka, India. | Wisdom of Indian Medicinal Plants | Shivakumar Singh, P. | 63-72 | 2 | 2021 | 978-93-5419-762-8 | Immortal Publications |
Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Plants from Southern India: A Critical Appraisal | Research Trends in MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Volume - 14 | Dr. R. Jayakumar | 159-176 | 2 | 2020 | 978-93-89680-29-4 | AkiNik Publications |
Important food sources of nutraceuticals for the management of HIV. | Preparation of Phytopharmaceuticals for the Management of Disorders: The Development of Nutraceutica | Egbuna, C., Mishra, A. P. and Goyal, M. R. | 281-286 | 2 | 2020 | 978-0-12-820284-5 | Academic Press, Springer |
Biodiversity conservation through urban forests: a case study from Chennai, India. | Marine Biology and Ecology | Khajure and Rathod | 233-238 | More | 2020 | 978-93-89996-58-6 | Narendra Publishing House, |
Diversity of wild mushrooms and their antibacterial potential from south Western Ghats. | Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i | Anonymous | 144-147 | More | 2016 | 978-93-85977-61-9 | Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of |
Teaching Environmental Issues with Socio-Economic-Scientific Perspectives at the College level. | Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i | Anonymous | 148-150 | More | 2016 | 978-93-85977-61-9 | Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i |
Western Ghats – a critical ecosystem and refuges for important medicinal plants: a case study of C | Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i | Anonymous | 155-160 | More | 2016 | 978-93-85977-61-9 | Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of |
Preliminary antibacterial activity of selected rhizomatous members of Zingiberaceae from south Weste | Proceedings of International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers i | Anonymous | 151-154 | More | 2016 | 978-93-85977-61-9 | Department of Science-Education and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Institute of Advanced Study of |
Natural disasters: are they really natural? | Proceedings of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Infrastructural Development and Environment – I | Jayakumar, X. V. | 34-40 | 1 | 2016 | 978-83-81992-94-4 | PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai |
Spatio-temporal changes in a vulnerable ecosystem around Pondicherry, India | Proceedings of ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Infrastructural Development and Environment – I | Jayakumar, X. V. | 41-48 | More | 2016 | 978-83-81992-94-4 | PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Chennai |
Effect of industrial pollution on chlorophyll content and proximate composition of Millettia pinnata | Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Recent trends and future perspectives of biological | Dr.G.V.Gopinath | 105-108 | 1 | 2014 | 978-81-924835-3-5 | Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, Sivagangai (Dt), Tamilnadu |
Histo-chemical study on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. seeds. | Proceedings of UGC sponsored National Seminar on Recent trends and future perspectives of biological | Dr.G.V.Gopinath | 101-104 | 2 | 2014 | 978-81-924835-3-5 | Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, Sivagangai (Dt), Tamilnadu |
Leaf trait measurements in Southern Eastern Ghats and their applications | Proceedings of National Seminar on Conservation of Eastern Ghats | Baquer, S. H., Krishna, I. S. R., Bhakshu, L. M. and Reddy, C. S. | 188-197 | 1 | 2008 | 978-81-7525-955-3 | EPTRI |
Title | Journal Name | Year | DOI/URL | Your authorial position | How many authors | Clarivate IF |
Green synthesis and bioactivity of Copper nanoparticles from Asparagus aethiopicus and Asparagus densiflorus. | Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology | 2023 | | 1st and corresponding | 4 | 0,294 |
New Record of Stem Anthracnose and Dieback Disease in Jack Fruit Trees (Artocarpus heterophyllus) from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India | Significances of Bioengineering & Biosciences | 2022 | | 2nd | 3 | |
Mycochemicals and antidiabetic activity of lignocolous fungi – A critical review | Bionature | 2022 | | 2nd | 2 | 2.70 |
Pollen based inference on Holocene sea level changes, depositional environment and climatic history | Catena | 2021 | | 2nd | 5 | 5.000-9.999 |
Isolation, Identification and Optimization of Cellulase Producing Bacteria from Forests of Western G | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research | 2019 | Other | 5 | ||
in vitro antimicrobial activity, optimization of bioactive secondary metabolites and molecular chara | International Research Journal of Pharmacy | 2019 | | Other | 5 | |
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai | Quaternary International | 2019 | | 2nd | 5 | 2.000-4.999 |
Antibacterial activity, in vitro antioxidant potential and GC-MS characterization of methanolic extr | Acta Biomedica Scientia | 2018 | 2nd | 4 | 2.000-4.999 | |
Isolation, Screening, Identification, and Optimization of Xylanase Producing Bacteria from Forests o | International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology | 2018 | Other | 6 | ||
Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation changes and anthropogenic impacts in the Cauvery delta plai | Quaternary International | 2018 | | 2nd | 5 | 2.000-4.999 |
Antibacterial activity, in vitro antioxidant potential and GC-MS characterization of methanolic extr | European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2018 | 2nd | 4 | 2.000-4.999 | |
Antioxidant activity of some wild mushrooms from southern Western Ghats, India | International Journal of Pharmaceutics and Drug Analysis | 2018 | 2nd | 4 | ||
Antibacterial activities of wild rhizomatous plants - Zingiber officinalis, Zingiber zerumbet (Zingi | International Journal of Research in BioSciences | 2018 | Other | 3 | 2.000-4.999 | |
In vitro antibacterial activity of methanolic extract of wild mushrooms from southern Western Ghats, | International Journal of Phytopharmacy Research | 2018 | 2nd | 4 | ||
PASS-assisted prediction of biological activity spectra of methanolic extract of Gymnopilus junonius | European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research | 2018 | 2nd | 4 | 2.000-4.999 | |
Biodiversity Register of Anna University | Coast Track | 2018 | 2nd | 3 | ||
Antibacterial activities of wild rhizomatous plants - Curcuma aromatica, Curcuma longa (Zingiberacea | International Journal of Scientific Research in Biological Sciences | 2018 | Other | 3 | 1.000-1.999 | |
Identification and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals from plants for the treatment of | Voyager | 2017 | 1st and corresponding | 3 | 2.000-4.999 | |
Light microscopic study of pollen morphology on selected species of Jatropha L. | Journal of Phytological Research | 2017 | 1st and corresponding | 5 | ||
Spatio-temporal changes in fringe mangrove extent in Pondicherry, India after the two phenomenal per | Tropical Ecology | 2016 | 2nd | 5 | 1.000-1.999 | |
Clay Mineralogy, Palynology and Geochemistry of the Paleogene sediments in Inner Fold Belt of Nagala | International Research Journal of Earth Sciences | 2016 | Other | 4 | ||
Nutritive and Therapeutic Values of Vegetables from the Markets of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India | Journal of Academia and Industrial Research | 2015 | 1st and corresponding | 2 | 0.001-0.999 | |
Biochemical constituents and antioxidant potential of endophytic fungi isolated from the leaves of A | Journal of Academia and Industrial Research | 2015 | Other | 5 | 0.001-0.999 | |
Diversity of Vegetables from the Markets of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India | Journal of Academia and Industrial Research | 2015 | 1st and corresponding | 6 | 0.001-0.999 | |
Indian Biodiversity: Past, Present and Future | International Journal of Environment and Natural Sciences | 2015 | 1st and corresponding | 3 | ||
GC-MS analysis and PASS-assisted prediction of biological activity spectra of the extract of endophy | World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | 2015 | Other | 4 | 5.000-9.999 | |
Pollen – A microscopic wonder of plant kingdom. | International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences | 2014 | 1st and corresponding | 1 | ||
Effect of pre-sowing treatments on seed germination of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. | Advances in Plant Sciences | 2012 | 1st and corresponding | 3 | ||
Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels: A multipurpose tree, its phytotherapic and pharmacological uses. | Journal of Phytotherapy and Pharmacology | 2012 | 1st and corresponding | 1 | ||
Natural disasters in India with special reference to Tamil Nadu | Journal of Academia and Industrial Research | 2012 | 1st and corresponding | 1 | 0.001-0.999 | |
Leaf classes, foliar phenology and life forms of selected woody species from the tropical forests of | Check List | 2012 | | 1st and corresponding | 4 | 0.001-0.999 |
An integrated inquiry of Early Cretaceous flora, Palar Basin, India | Phytomorphology | 2010 | Corresponding | 3 | ||
Facets of applied Palynology at the French Institute of Pondicherry over the last fifty years | Journal of Palynology | 2010 | Other | 4 | ||
A new microsieving technique in pollen analysis | The Palaeobotanist | 2008 | 1st | 4 | ||
Impact of pollution on the quality of water in three fresh water lakes of suburban Chennai | Nature Environment and Pollution Technology | 2008 | Other | 3 | 1.000-1.999 | |
Water quality status of three vulnerable fresh water lakes of suburban Chennai, India. | Indian Journal of Environment and Ecoplanning | 2008 | 2nd | 4 | ||
Chemical composition of volatile oil of Thymus vulgaris L. from Western Ghats of India | Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops | 2008 | Other | 5 | ||
Title of Project | Project Start Date | Project End Date | Amount Received |
Wood rotting Macro-fungi and their bioactive medicinal potential from Bengaluru and its environs | 01-04-2021 | 2.8 Lakhs | |
Title of Paper | Title of Seminar/Conference | Organized by | Level | Start Date | Place | Country | Duration |
Identification and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals from plants for the treatment of | National Seminar on “Phytochemicals as Therapeutics†| Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Kodam | National | 16-09-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Effect of industrial pollution on chlorophyll content and proximate composition of Millettia pinnata | UGC sponsored National Seminar on “BIOVISION 2014†Recent trends and future perspectives of biol | Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, | National | 05-09-2020 | Thirupathur | India | Two Days |
Histo-chemical study on Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels. seeds. | UGC sponsored National Seminar on “BIOVISION 2014†Recent trends and future perspectives of biol | Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, | National | 05-09-2020 | Thirupathur | India | Two Days |
Teaching Environmental Issues with Socio-Economic-Scientific Perspectives at the College level. | International Conference on “Global Environmental Challenges – Role of Teachers in Evolving a Su | Department of Science-Education, Institute of Advanced Study of Education (Autonomous), Saidapet, Ch | International | 22-06-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Phytochemical, Pharmacological Investigations and Identification of herbaceous species of Phyllanthu | National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach†| Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che | National | 11-03-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Facets of Biodiversity and its Conservation. | National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach†| Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che | National | 11-03-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Biological Diversity: Who Owns | National Conference on “Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach†| Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College (Autonomous), Velachery, Che | National | 11-03-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Leaf Trait Measurements in southern Eastern Ghats and their applications | National Seminar on “Conservation of Eastern Ghats†| EPTRI, Hyderabad | National | 28-02-2020 | Chennai | India | Two Days |
Early Cretaceous Floristics of Palar Basin – An Integrated Inquiry | Conference on Plant Life through the Ages | Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow | National | 16-02-2020 | Lucknow | India | Two Days |
Pollen analysis of a Late Holocene core from Rusulcheruvu, Central Andhra Pradesh, India | XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy | Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow | National | 16-02-2020 | Lucknow | India | Two Days |
A New Microsieving Technique in Pollen Analysis | Diamond Jubilee International Conference on “Changing Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjects | Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow | International | 15-02-2020 | Lucknow | India | Three Days |
Holocene Vegetation changes in the Cauvery Floodplains, southern India: A case study. | PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass for Future Earth†| PAGES | International | 13-02-2020 | Goa | India | Others |
Palynological methods for land-cover reconstruction in semi-arid Peninsular India | PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass for Future Earth†| PAGES | International | 13-02-2020 | Goa | India | Others |
“Thane†cyclonic impact on mangroves of Puducherry, India: A preliminary assessment | National Seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)†| Research Department of Botany, Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars’ Senthikumara Nadar College, Virudhunagar | National | 09-02-2020 | Virudhunagar | India | Two Days |
Software cum Database for Leaf Trait Measurements: Case Study from South India | PAGES 3rd “Open Science Meeting†| PAGES | International | 08-02-2020 | Corvallis | USA | Others |
Diversity of Vegetables from Chennai (Madras) Markets used as Therapeutic Diet. | UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Biodiversity and Human Health: New Perspectives†| PG & Research Department of Botany, Bharathi Women’s College (Autonomous), Prakasam Salai, Bro | National | 06-02-2020 | Chennai | India | One day |
Plant Functional Types and Plant trait measurements in the Eastern Ghats, India | Conference of the Asian Chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation on the topi | Asian Chapter of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation | International | 06-02-2020 | Mahabalipuram | India | Others |
Natural disasters: are they really natural? | Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored National Seminar on “Infrastructural Developme | PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Myl | National | 05-02-2020 | Chennai | India | One day |
Spatio-temporal changes in a vulnerable ecosystem around Pondicherry, India. | Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored National Seminar on “Infrastructural Developme | PG & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Myl | National | 05-02-2020 | Chennai | India | One day |
Overview of palynological studies in South India | IGBP PAGES PHAROS Workshop: “Land-cover reconstructions in the monsoon affected Tropical world - p | French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry | National | 27-01-2020 | Pondicherry | India | Three Days |
Diversity of plant functional types in forests of Eastern and Western Ghats, India using leaf trait | -sponsored National Seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)†| Department of Plant Studies, Kanchi Mamunivar Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Pondicherry | National | 21-01-2020 | Pondicherry | India | Two Days |
Biodiversity conservation through urban forests: a case study from Chennai, India. | National Seminar on “Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development†| Departments of Bio-Sciences (Microbiology, Botany, Zoology), Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar, Tela | National | 10-01-2020 | Mahabubnagar, Telangana | India | One day |
Vegetables of Chennai (Madras) markets and their Nutritive, Therapeutic Values. | National Seminar on “Current Scenario of Plants as Potential Drugs†| PG & Research Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Quaid-E-Millath Government Co | National | 03-01-2020 | Chennai | India | One day |
Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Date From | Title of Event | Duration | Place |
Seminar | International | Department of Botany, Botanical Society, SJU | 12-07-2022 | International Lecture on "IMPACT OF HERBAL MEDICINE, BIOMEDIC IN COVID MANAGEMENT, HIGHER STUDI | 1 day | Bengaluru |
Seminar | Local | TransDisciplinary University, Bengaluru | 05-10-2020 | Vulture conservation: through education and awareness | One day | Bengaluru |
Seminar | International | Department of Botany, Botanical Society, SJC | 05-05-2020 | International webinar on Plant Omics in Space | One day | |
Seminar | Local | Department of Botany, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai | 18-03-2020 | Earth Hour: Shine a light on climate action | One day | Chennai |
Seminar | Local | Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras. | 25-02-2020 | Montane rainforest changes during the late Quaternary in the Horton Plains, central Sri Lanka: a mul | One day | Chennai |
Seminar | Local | Department of Botany, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai | 20-02-2020 | Understanding the interrelationship between prehistoric human and rain forest ecology using phytolit | One day | Chennai |
Workshop | State | PG & Research Department of Botany, RKMVC | 19-02-2020 | Workshop on Edible Mushroom Cultivation | One day | Chennai |
Seminar | Local | Department of Botany, Madras Christian College | 04-01-2020 | Vegetation, Climate and Glacier History in the Himalayan Region since last Pleistocene | One day | Chennai |
Seminar | Local | Department of Botany, Madras Christian College | 02-12-2011 | “Phytoliths†| One day | Chennai |
Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Start Date | Place | Duration |
Teaching, Learning and Evaluation | Workshop | University | St. Joseph's University | 28-02-2024 | Bengaluru | One day |
Name of Consultant | Name of the facility used | Organization of the Consultant | Name of Consultancy Project | Sponsoring Agency | Date of Consultancy | Revenue Generated (amount in Rupees) |
Dr. A. Stephen | Herbarium and Flora | St. Joseph's University | Plant Authentication | Miss. Pooja Vijayakumar Kasture, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, School of Sciences, Jain (Deemed-to-be) University, #34, 1st Cross, J C Road, Bengaluru – 560 027 | 25-10-2023 | 500 |
Name of the Body | Position | Level | Start Date | End Date | Any other Information |
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women (Autonomous), Bengaluru | External Member, Board of Examiner, Department of Botany | Others | 08-09-2022 | ||
Nrupathunga University, Nrupathunga Road, Bengaluru | External Member, Board of Examiner, Department of Botany | Others | 20-04-2022 | ||
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women (Autonomous), Bengaluru | External Member, Board of Studies, Department of Botany | Others | 07-10-2021 | ||
National Academy of Biological Sciences (NABS) | Life Member | National | 31-01-2019 | ||
Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society | Senior Member | International | 24-06-2015 | ||
International Ecotourism Society | Member | International | 04-02-2010 | ||
The World Student Community for Sustainable Development | Member | International | 14-08-2009 | ||
International Society of Plant Morphologists | Life Member | International | 17-07-2009 | ||
Asian Bioethics Association | Member | International | 05-03-2009 | ||
The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) | Member | International | 11-09-2007 | ||
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement | Level | Awarded by | Place | Date | Duration of Fellowship |
Puraskara 2024 | Others | St Joseph's University | Bengaluru | 18-05-2024 | |
Puraskara 2024 | Others | St Joseph's University | Bengaluru | 18-05-2024 | |
Elizabeth Miller Prize for excellence in Scripture | Others | Madras Christian College | Chennai | 05-04-2022 | |
Caithness general fund scholarship | Others | Madras Christian College | Chennai | 28-02-2022 | |
First prize in oral presentation | National | National seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)†at Re | Tamil Nadu | 09-02-2022 | |
Edward Barnes gold medal | Others | Madras Christian College | Chennai | 08-02-2022 | |
Second rank in B.Sc. Botany | Others | Madras Christian College | Chennai | 03-02-2022 | |
Third rank in M.Sc. Botany | Others | Madras Christian College | Chennai | 01-02-2022 | |
Best oral presentation award | National | National seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)†at Convention cu | Puducherry | 21-01-2022 | |
Serial Number | Name of Article | Name of the Magazine / Media | Year | Link |
2 | Motherland art – Karate | Woodchips’ 04, College Union Society Magazine, Madras Christian College (Autonomous), Tambaram | 01-01-2004 | |
1 | Veppa Ulagu | Arivukkan | 01-01-2019 | |
3 | Thirukuralum Thavarangalum | Arivukkan | 01-03-2019 | |
4 | Thavaram arivom - Cissus | Arivukkan | 01-09-2019 | |
5 | Thavaram Arivom - Plumbago | Arvukkan | 01-12-2020 | |
6 | Thavaram Arivom - Aerva | Arivukkan | 01-01-2021 | |
7 | Thavaram Arivom - Pergularia | Arivukkan | 01-03-2021 | |
8 | Thavaram Arivom - Flueggea | Arivukkan | 01-10-2021 | |
9 | Thavaram Arivom - Afrohybanthus | Arivukkan | 01-12-2021 | |
10 | Thavaram Arivom - Moringa | Arivukkan | 01-01-2022 | |
11 | Thavaram Arivom - Azadirachta | Arivukkan | 01-04-2022 | |
12 | Thavaram Arivom - Santalum | Arivukkan | 01-05-2022 | |
14 | Thavaram Arivom - Triphala | Arivukkan | 01-07-2022 | |
13 | Thavaram Arivom - Delonix | Arivukkan | 01-08-2022 | |
15 | Thavaram Arivom - Andrographis | Arivukkan | 01-12-2022 | |
16 | Thavaram Arivom - Pedalium murex | Arivukkan | 01-01-2023 | |
22 | Thavaram Arivom - Calotropis | Arivukkan | 01-02-2023 | |
17 | Thavaram Arivom - Justicia | Arivukkan | 01-03-2023 | |
18 | Thavaram_Arivom - Bauhinia | Arivukkan | 01-04-2023 | |
19 | Thavaram_Arivom - Saraca | Arivukkan | 01-05-2023 | |
20 | Thavaram Arivom - Premna | Arivukkan | 01-06-2023 | |
21 | Thavaram Arivom Portulaca | Arivukkan | 01-07-2023 | |
23 | Thavaram Arivom - Acalypha | Arivukkan | 01-10-2023 | |
28 | Christmas: Finding space for the Prince of Peace | Remarkable | 25-12-2023 | |
24 | Thavaram Arivom - Gloriosa | Arivukkan | 01-01-2024 | |
25 | Thavaram Aivom - Syzygium | Arivukkan | 01-02-2024 | |
26 | Thavaram Arivom - Acacia | Arivukkan | 01-03-2024 | |
29 | Past Vs Present: 1 Corinthians 15:4 in Futuristic Context | Remarkable | 31-03-2024 | |
27 | Thavaram Arivom - Nelumbo | Arivukkan | 01-04-2024 | |
30 | Thavaram Arivom - Tinospora | Arivukkan | 01-05-2024 | |
31 | Thavaram Arivom - Anisomeles | Arivukkan | 01-06-2024 | |
32 | Thavarm Arivom - Leucas | Arivukkan | 29-07-2024 | |
33 | Thavaram Arivom - Hygrophila | Arivukkan | 01-08-2024 | |
34 | Thavaram Arivom - Asparagus | Arivukkan | 01-09-2024 | |
35 | Thavaram Arivom - Andrographis echioides | Arivukkan | 01-10-2024 | |
36 | hkrB - Blessing: Ezekiel 34:26 | Remarkable | 27-10-2024 | |
37 | There Shall Be Showers of Blessing! | Remarkable | 27-10-2024 | |
38 | Thavaram Arivom - Curculigo | Arivukkan | 01-11-2024 | |
39 | Thavaram Arivom Piper | Arivukkan | 01-12-2024 | |
40 | Thavaram Arivom Madhuca | Arivukkan | 01-01-2025 | |
41 | Thavaram Arivom Cucumis | Arivukkan | 01-02-2025 | |
42 | Thavaram Arivom Ficus | Arivukkan | 01-03-2025 | |
Designation | Institution Name | Start Date | End Date |
Assistant Professor | The Institute of TransDisciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TransDisciplinary University) | 09-06-2017 | 30-11-2017 |
Assistant Professor | Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College | 02-09-2013 | 31-05-2017 |
Guest Lecturer | Madras Christian College | 11-03-2013 | 31-05-2013 |
Title of the Paper | Department | Year of Guidance | Type | Name of the Institution | Name of Students |
Pollen morphological studies of selected plants from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. | BOTANY | 2023-2024 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's University | Aphuteng Debbarama (222BOT24), Thrisha B (222BOT27) and Merangmenla Priscilla Longchar (222BOT28) |
Implementation of new agricultural techniques in India – A critical appraisal. | BOTANY | 2023-2024 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's University | Manuel Thekkayil (222PM33) |
Petiole anatomy of selected members of order Lamiales from Bengaluru, and its potential in systematics. | BOTANY | 2023-2024 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's University | Bhabana Basumatary (222BOT21), Neibeinuo Solo (222BOT22) and Lorine Merian (222BOT31) |
Growth and development of the Cajanus cajan under different soil conditions. | BOTANY | 2023-2024 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's University | J Nivedita Immanuel (222PM14) |
Herbal medicinal plants used in India: A critical appraisal with reference to indigenous medicinal s | BOTANY | 2022-23 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's University | Amisha Sharma (21CEB24) |
An Ethnobotanical wealth of selected tribes from East-Champaran and Siwan district of Bihar, India | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sumit Soni (20CEB17) |
Comparison of Air Pollution Tolerance Index and the phylogenetic significance of selected species fr | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's University | Muskaan Mohammadi (21BOT10), Cassia Jean Athaide (21BOT13) and Theertha Lakshmi (21BOT19) |
Rare, Endangered and Threatened Flowering plants of Karnataka, India - a Critical Appraisal | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Dholakiya Namratta (20MCB07) |
Pharmacological study on Aristolochia ringens | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Catherine Praveena J (20CEB06) |
Endemic Flora of Karnataka, India | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Chaithanya.G.A (20MCB15) |
A critical study on genus Strobilanthes (Acanthaceae) with special reference to Strobilanthes kunthi | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Kavya.Y (20MCB05) |
Traditional herbal remedy for the treatment of gout - a critical appraisal | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Nilina Narzary (20MCB19) |
Morphological and chemosystematic studies on five species of Malvaceae. | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's University | Amrithakrishnan (21BOT11), Ambili Kurian (21BOT07) and Tenzin Lhadoen (21BOT20) |
Ricin toxin from Ricinus communis (castor beans) and its bioactivity - a critical appraisal | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sanjana.M (20MCB21) |
Herbal medicinal plants used in India: A critical appraisal with reference to indigenous medicinal s | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's University | Amisha Sharma (21CEB24) |
Lichens as a bioindicator tool for studying pollution | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Aditya Bhansali (20CBZ01) |
Mangroves of backwaters of Thrissur district, Kerala, India - An ecological appraisal | BOTANY | 2022-2023 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Farhan Umar Ali (20CEB05) |
Biodiversity meltdown in tropics and climate change - issues and challenges. | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Ajay John M (19CEB32001) |
Seemaikaruvelam - Myths and beliefs - a critical analysis of scientific facts. | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Kuraloviya K (19CBT36017) |
Medicinal plant diversity and utilization of pharmaceutically novel chemicals - a critical study | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Shatakshi Mishra (19MCB34019) |
Green synthesis and bioactivity of nanoparticles from Asparagus aethiopicus L. and A. densiflorus (K | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | S. R. Mohith Sai (20BOT15), Neha Pal (20BOT24), Arjun, S. (20BOT25) |
Ecological and Medicinal Importance of Plants found in Bengaluru and its Environs. | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Anu Sharon (19CEB32007) |
Pollen and Pollen Allergic Diseases: A Critical Appraisal (Published as a chapter in a book). | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Raicha Punnamattam (19MCB34010) |
Genetically modified crops and environment - a critical appraisal | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Stany, B. (19MCB34032) |
Morpho-anatomical identification, palynological and phytochemical analysis of Saraca asoca - a criti | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Prelisa Jainkumar (20BOT06), Nanda Prakash (20BOT16), Chaithra Shaji (20BOT18) |
Water management in Bengaluru, India: past, present and future. | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Franklin William PY (19CEB32036) |
Wildfire in Western Ghats, India - a critical review. | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Cyril John (19CEZ33019) |
Quality in Education: Teachers vs Technology (Published as a chapter in a book) | BOTANY | 2021-2022 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Madhumitha, S. (19HEP11050) |
Medicinal plants: importance and their conservation. | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Yarmichon H. (19BOT72002) |
A review on ethnobotany of wild edible plants in different parts of India | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Ngodup Tsering (19BOT72022) |
Bioprospection of Black Rice (Chakhao) Varieties from Manipur, India. | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Anupama Sarangthem (18CBZ31032) |
Use of Synthetic or Natural Cosmetic Product in Bangalore Urban Areas (Published as a chapter in a b | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Shyanu Yadav (18CBZ31075) |
Bamboo: Tree or Grass – A Critical Appraisal in the light of the Indian Forest Act (Published as a | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Cassia Jean Athaide (18CEB32002) |
Phyllanthus L. (Phyllanthaceae): A Hepatoprotective Genus in India (Published as a chapter in a book | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Meghana. D (18CBZ31049) |
Photomorphogenesis (Published as a chapter in a book). | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Amber Diya Dsouza (18CBZ31010) |
Lawsonia inermis L., Henna, a critical review | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Nowsin Khatun (18CBZ31046) |
Aquatic plant diversity – importance and conservation | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Jagadishwar S. (19BOT72015) |
Biodiversity finance and ecosystem services: a critical appraisal | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Shreeraj Moirangthem |
Protected area on biodiversity conservation | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Liya Aier (19BOT72008) |
Ethno-cultural significance of local plant species in tribes of Madhya Pradesh: a critical appraisal | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Ankit Verma (19BOT72023) |
Ethnobotanical, phytotherapic, pharmacological uses and identification of selected species of Ocimum | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Keerthana P (18CBZ31062) |
Collection, Identification and Trade of Raw Drugs from Selected Species of Phyllanthus L. (Phyllanth | BOTANY | 2020-2021 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Thrupthi R (18CBZ31045) |
Phytochemical screening of active secondary metabolites from the leaves of four Terminalia species ( | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Nelisha Horo (18BOT72003) and Medongulo Bapao (18BOT72030) |
Traditionally Used Medicinal Plants in Somala, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh, India | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sandhya D. (17MCB34024) |
Observations on the pollination biology of Aristolochia ringens Vahl | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sachin Bhaskar (18BOT72024) |
Review of Three Fungal Diseases of Coffee and Its Economics of Control Measures in Chikamagalur Dist | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Shrusti Kagaladibba G (17MCB34007) |
A comparative study on epidermal outgrowths in the selected plants in the order: Malvales | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Shreya, S. (18BOT72009), Malavika, S. (18BOT72017) and Sharmila S. N. (18BOT72019) |
Comparative study of seed exo-morphology and phytochemical screening of selected species of Crotalar | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sneha Basu (18BOT72015) |
Comparative study by phytochemical and anatomical variations in Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia. | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Abhiram Suresh (18BOT72026) and Shashi Shekhar (18BOT72014) |
A comparative study on leaf architecture on selected species of order Lamiales in and around Bengalu | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Neha R (18BOT72004), Ramya G (18BOT72016) and Nandana K (18BOT72027) |
Ethnobotanical Study on Certain Medicinal Plants of Longkhum Village of Mokokchung District, Nagalan | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Wazen Longkumer (17CBZ31023) |
Ethnobotanical, Phytotherapic, Pharmacological Uses and Identification of Herbaceous Phyllanthus L. | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Term Paper | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Anusree K. (17MCB34016) |
Toxicology studies on three traditionally used medicinal plants using Drosophila melanogaster (Publi | BOTANY | 2019-2020 | Dissertation | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | Sahana Kranthi (18BOT72013) and Shishira Rao H. S. (18BOT72018) |
Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Place | Date From | Date To |
Refresher course in "Botany" | Refresher Courses | National | Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | Online | 29-07-2023 | 13-08-2023 |
Faculty development training program on “Research Tools and Applications†| FDPs attended | Others | Central Library and St. Joseph’s Research Institute, St. Joseph’s University | Bengaluru | 04-08-2022 | 04-08-2022 |
National Seminar on “Trends in Field Plant Taxonomy and Conservation†| Seminar | National | Department of Botany, V.V. Vanniaperumal College for Women, Viruthunagar, Tamil Nadu, India | Online | 07-03-2022 | 07-03-2022 |
National Webinar on “Changing Paradigms in Plant Taxonomy†| Seminar | National | Department of Botany, Central University of Jammu | Online | 06-01-2022 | 06-01-2022 |
Refresher course in "Life Sciences" | Refresher Courses | National | Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | Online | 01-09-2021 | 15-09-2021 |
Workshop on “DNA Barcoding†| Workshop | International | Department of Zoology, Nirmala College for Women | Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu | 14-08-2021 | 14-08-2021 |
AARI Bioscience World Wide Webinar Series Session-XI, entitled "Genetic Engineering for Abiotic | Seminar | International | Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI) | Chennai | 01-07-2020 | 01-07-2020 |
Faculty Development Programme titled ‘SJC Digital Teacher’ | FDPs attended | Local | St. Joseph's College (autonomous), Bengaluru | Bengaluru | 25-06-2020 | 30-06-2020 |
Science Academies' Science Leadership Workshop | FDPs attended | International | Central University of Punjab, Bathinda | Online | 22-06-2020 | 28-06-2020 |
International Webinar on Current Trends in Phytomedicine Research | Seminar | International | Department of Botany, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru | Online | 14-06-2020 | 14-06-2020 |
Online Faculty Development Programme on CRISP - Creative Research and Innovative SPectroscopy | FDPs attended | National | Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Hindu College of Pharmacy | Online | 08-06-2020 | 13-07-2020 |
World Environment Day 2020 – “Celebrate Biodiversity†| Seminar | National | Palamuru University | Mahabubnagar | 05-06-2020 | 05-06-2020 |
Webinar on “Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants: Challenges and Opportunities†| Seminar | National | PG & Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College | Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu | 03-06-2020 | 03-06-2020 |
National level Webinar on Bioprospecting of Medicinal Plants: Challenges and Opportunities | Seminar | National | PG & Research Department of Botany, V.O.Chidambaram College, Thoothukudi - 628008, Tamil Nadu | Online | 03-06-2020 | 03-06-2020 |
Induction Programme (Focus: Teaching, Learning & Classroom Management) | FDPs attended | State | St. Joseph's College | Bengaluru | 03-06-2020 | 07-06-2020 |
Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation | MOOCs completed | International | American Museum of Natural History | Coursera | 01-06-2020 | 12-07-2020 |
Herbal Medicine | MOOCs completed | International | University of Minnesota | Coursera | 01-06-2020 | 12-07-2020 |
Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques) | MOOCs completed | International | National Research Tomsk State University | Coursera | 01-06-2020 | 12-07-2020 |
International FDP on Biological Sciences | FDPs attended | International | Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College (Autonomous), Pollachi, Tamil Nadu | Online | 25-05-2020 | 31-05-2020 |
"MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES and CO-CREATING MOOCS" | FDPs attended | National | Teaching and Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | Online | 20-04-2020 | 06-05-2020 |
Course on "Stress Management" | Online Course/Lecture Series | International | Department of Management and Research, AVS College of Arts and Science | Salem, Tamil Nadu, India | 13-04-2020 | 17-04-2020 |
National level Symposium on Ethics, Opportunities and Challenges in the Light of National Education | Conference | National | St. Joseph's College | Bengaluru | 27-02-2020 | 27-02-2020 |
Workshop on Photography by Perumal Venkatesan | Workshop | Local | Art and Animation Society, St. Joseph's College | Bengaluru | 25-02-2020 | 25-02-2020 |
National Conference on “Conservation and Restoration: Western Ghats and Water†| Conference | National | St. Joseph's College | Bengaluru | 20-02-2020 | 20-02-2020 |
Jesuit Lay Collaboration - JESCOL Towards Proactive Partnership | Seminar | State | Bangalore Jesuit Education Society | Bengaluru | 18-02-2020 | 20-02-2020 |
National Conference on Data Revolution in Computational Biology and Drug Development | Conference | National | Department of Botany, Computer Science and Big Data Analytics | Bengaluru | 17-02-2020 | 18-02-2020 |
National Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Approach | Conference | National | Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Guru Nanak College | Chennai | 11-02-2020 | 12-02-2020 |
Botanical Nomenclature | Workshop | National | Department of Botany, Bangalore University | Bengaluru | 08-02-2020 | 08-02-2020 |
Workshop on Methods in Plant Sciences | Workshop | State | Department of Botany, St. Joseph's College | Bengaluru | 01-02-2020 | 01-02-2020 |
National Seminar on Environmental Conservation & Sustainable Development | Seminar | National | Department of Bio-Sciences, Palamuru University | Mahabubnagar, Telangana | 10-01-2020 | 10-01-2020 |
Resonance @ 25 | Conference | National | Indian Academy of Sciences | Bengaluru | 03-01-2020 | 04-01-2020 |
National Seminar on “Phytochemicals as Therapeutics†| Seminar | National | Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous), Kodam | Chennai | 16-09-2016 | 17-09-2016 |
International Conference on “Global Challenges – Role of Teachers in Evolving a Development†| Conference | International | Department of Science-Education, Institute of Advanced Study of Education (Autonomous), Saidapet, Ch | Chennai | 22-06-2016 | 23-06-2016 |
UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Plants – The Fabric of Life†| Seminar | National | Department of Botany, Government College for Men (Autonomous), Nandanam, 600035 | Chennai | 24-02-2016 | 24-02-2016 |
Indian Council of Social Science Research Sponsored Conference on “Infrastructural Development Env | Conference | National | & Research Department of Economics, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous), Mylapore, | Chennai | 05-02-2016 | 05-02-2016 |
UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Biodiversity Human Health: New Perspectives†| Conference | National | PG & Research Department of Botany, Bharathi Women’s College (Autonomous), Prakasam Salai, Broadwa | Chennai | 06-02-2015 | 06-02-2015 |
National Seminar on “Current Scenario of Plants as Potential Drugs†| Seminar | National | PG & Research Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Quaid-E-Millath Government Colleg | Chennai | 03-01-2015 | 03-01-2015 |
UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Recent trends and future perspectives of biological sciences (B | Seminar | National | Department of Zoology and Department of Botany, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Thirupathur, | Thirupathur | 05-09-2014 | 06-09-2014 |
PAGES 4th Open Science Meeting on “The Past: A Compass Future Earthâ€. | Conference | International | PAGES | Goa | 13-02-2013 | 16-02-2013 |
National Seminar on “Cyclonic Changes and Its Impact on Marine Biodiversity (CCIMBD-2012)†| Seminar | National | Department of Botany, VHNSN College | Virudhu Nagar | 09-02-2012 | 10-02-2012 |
National Seminar on “The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity (ICCBD-2011)†| Seminar | National | Department of Plant Science, KMCPGS | Pondicherry | 21-01-2011 | 22-01-2011 |
National Seminar on “New Facets of Evolutionary Biologyâ€. | Seminar | National | Chennai Local Chapter, Indian National Science Academy | Chennai | 17-02-2010 | 17-02-2010 |
National Seminar on “Conservation of Eastern Ghats†| Seminar | National | EPTRI | Chennai | 28-12-2007 | 28-12-2007 |
XXI Indian Colloquium on Micropalaeontology and Stratigraphy | Conference | National | Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow | Lucknow | 16-11-2007 | 17-11-2007 |
Conference of the Asian Chapter of the for Tropical Biology and Conservation on the topic “Avertin | Conference | International | Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation | Mahabalipuram | 06-02-2007 | 09-02-2007 |
Diamond Jubilee International Conference on “Scenario in Palaeobotany and Allied Subjectsâ€. | Conference | International | Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow | Lucknow | 15-11-2006 | 17-11-2006 |
Inter-Collegiate Seminar on “Facets of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics†| Seminar | State | PG Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics | PG Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Vels college of science | 29-09-2003 | 29-09-2003 |
Title of the Program | Role | Level | Organized by | Start Date | Place | Country |
Induction Programme – a week-long Faculty Development Programme | Invited Talk | Intra Collegiate | St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, India | 23-07-2020 | Bengaluru | India |
4 Biodiversity Hotspots in India | Invited Talk | Regional | GlobalHunt Foundation, Cognizant Tech Solutions and Airforce School Hebbal | 06-06-2020 | Bengaluru | India |
World Environment Day 2020 – “Celebrate Biodiversity†| Invited Talk | National | Palamuru University | 05-06-2020 | Mahabubnagar | Telangana |
Webinar on Indian Medicinal plants | Invited Talk | State | Department of Zoology, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College (Autonomous) | 27-05-2020 | Chennai | India |
AARI Bioscience webinar series | Invited Talk | International | Annakili Amma Research Institute | 15-05-2020 | Chennai | India |
National seminar on “Conserving Plants for Generating Livelihoods†| Invited Talk | National | Government Arts College for Men (Autonomous), Nandanam, Chennai | 12-03-2020 | Chennai | India |
National Conference on “Biodiversity Conservation of Medicinal Plants†| Invited Talk | National | Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai | 05-03-2020 | Chennai | India |
National seminar on “Recent Advances in Plant Sciences†| Keynote Address | National | Laxshmi Narayana Arts and Science College for Women, Thadangam (Village), Thokkampatti (Post), Dharm | 18-02-2020 | Dharmapuri | India |
Eco-Trail program | Invited Talk | State | World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office | 24-10-2018 | Guindy National Park, Chennai | India |
Workshop on “Identification of Medicinally Important Plants†| Keynote Address | State | Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology | 05-02-2018 | Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai | India |
One day orientation program for school pupils and teachers | Invited Talk | State | Nature Club, World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office | 18-02-2016 | TI Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, Ambattur, Chennai | India |
Workshop on “Identification of Flowering Plants of Chennai†| Keynote Address | State | Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology | 12-10-2015 | at Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai | India |
UGC sponsored seminar on “Plant Systematics: Principles and Practices†| Keynote Address | State | Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology | 11-04-2015 | Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai | India |
One day field based orientation program for school pupils and teachers | Invited Talk | State | Nature Club, World Wide Fund for Nature-India (WWF-India), Tamil Nadu State office | 05-02-2015 | Nanmangalam Reserve Forest, Chennai | India |
One day Science seminar-Orientation program for school teachers | Invited Talk | State | Cordova Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 29-11-2014 | Velankanni Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, Ashok Nagar, Chennai | India |
One day Seminar | Invited Talk | Diocese | Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India | 09-02-2013 | Villuppuram | India |
One day Seminar | Invited Talk | Diocese | Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India | 03-03-2012 | Nagari, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh | India |
One day Seminar | Invited Talk | Diocese | Eco Vision department of Diocese of Madras, Church of South India | 18-02-2012 | St. Columba's Higher Secondary School, Chengalpattu | India |
Google Scholar id | ResearchGate id | Orcid id | Scopus Author ID | Vidwan |
---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | | | 55568541700 | Vidwan ID: 295334 |