
Dr Shanty Mathew

Associate Professor,Chemistry

Specialization : Analytical chemistry

Employee Code : 0100942548

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
PhD Chemistry Bangalore Bangalore University, Karnataka
Msc Analytical chemistry Bnagalore Bangalore university, Karnataka
Bsc Chemistry Bangalore Bangalore university
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
KSET Chemistry Cleared
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Studies on benzyl alcohol reation over supported molybdenum, chromium and vanadium materials as cata Bangalore Bangalore university, Karnataka 12-10-2004 1. Al(OH)3 containing molybdenum species as an efficient support-catalyst system in benzyl alcohol Awarded
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Non-covalent interaction, biological activity prediction, topology and molecular docking studies on adenine derivative Journal of Molecular Structure 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.137300 Other 8
Synthesis, solvent role, absorption and emission studies of cytosine derivative Heliyon 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28623 Other 7 4
Solute-solvent interaction and adsorption studies of sulpha drug derivative: A DFT study Journal of molecular liquids 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2024.125150 Other 7 5.3
Theoretical Investigation on Solvents Effect in Molecular Structure (TD-DFT, MEP, HOMO-LUMO), Topological Analysis and Molecular Docking Studies of N-(5-((4-Ethylpiperazin-1-yl)Methyl)Pyridin-2-yl)-5-Fluoro-4-(4-Fluoro-1-Isopropyl-2-Methyl-1H-Benzo[d] Imidazol-6-yl) Pyrimidin-2-Amine Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 2023 https://doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2023.2254896 Other 8
Computational And Experimental Studies On Methylene Blue Dye For Sunlight-Driven Photodegradation Atomic Spectroscopy 2023 https://atomicspectroscoopyjournal.com/index.php/at-spectrosc/article/download/127/109 1st and corresponding 8
AMINATION OF ALCOHOLS CATALYSED BY MOLYBDENUM SPECIES PROMOTED HYDRATED ALUMINA European Chemical Bulletein 2023 https://www.eurchembull.com/uploads/paper/6abafece11d75c0d6b9b8d47c9f5e686.pdf 1st and corresponding 2
Structure-catalytic activity correlation in aluminum hydroxide supported vanadia catalysts Science and engineering journal 2023 https://seer-ufu-br.online/index.php/journal/article/view/156 1st and corresponding 3
Degradation of azo dye under visible light irradiation over nanographene oxide- zinc oxide nanocomposite as catalyst. Applied nanoscience, Shanty Mathew, Aneesha Antony, H. Kathyayini, Applied Nanoscience volume 10, 253–262(2020) Applied Nanoscience 2020 1st and corresponding 2 2.000-4.999
Design of Sulphate Modified Solid Acid Catalysts for Transesterification of Diethyl Malonate with Benzyl Alcohol. K. U. Minchitha, H. N. Hareesh, K. Venkatesh, M. Shanty, N. Nagaraju, N. Kathyayini, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 17. 1-13, 2017. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017 Other 6 2.000-4.999
Catalytic activity of hydrated alumina supported molybdenum, chromium and vanadium-oxo species: A comparative study in dibenzyl ether formation. Shanty Mathew, H. Kathyayini, J.B. Nagy and N. Nagaraju Catalysis Communications. 10, 1043, 2009 Catalysis Communications 2009 1st 4
2. Influence of nature of support on the catalytic activity of supported molybdenum-oxo species in benzyl alcohol conversion. Shanty Mathew, C. Shivkumara and Nagaraju N, Journal of Molecular Catalysis255, 243, 2009 Journal of Molecular Catalysis 2009 1st 3 2.000-4.999
1. Al(OH)3 containing molybdenum species as an efficient support-catalyst system in benzyl alcohol Catalysis Communications 2005 1st 3
In house Project (Seed Money)
Title of Project Project Start Date Project End Date Amount Received
Nanographene oxide based nanocomposites of Mn3O4 and ZnO as photocatalysts for the degradation of a 26-02-2022 26-02-2022 1,31,025/-
Title of Project Category Level Department Current Status Principal Investigator Funding Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Amount
Preparation, characterisation and catalytic activity of supported molybdenum, chromium and vanadium Minor National CHEMISTRY Completed Shanty Mathew UGC 02-04-2004 30-04-2004 60000
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Liquid phase oxidation of dibenzothiophene over alumina- supported vanadium oxide catalysts 17 th national Workshop on “Challenges in catalysis Science and Technology” IICT Hyderabad National 23-06-2023 Hyderabad India 3 days
Nanographene oxide and reduced graphene oxide nano composites with oxides of manganese for sorption degradation of dyes. New Frontier Research in Chemical Sciences Jyoti Nivas College , Bangalore International 11-11-2021 Bangalore India 3 days
Reduced nanographene oxide and Mn2O3 nanocomposite as efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of azo dyes. Advances in Materials Research (ICAMR-2019) ramaiah university International 25-07-2019 Bangalore India 3 days
Degradation of azo dye under visible light irradiation over nanographene oxide- zinc oxide nanocomposite as catalyst. Nano Technology – 2019 Aloysious college , Mangalore International 10-01-2019 Mangalore India 2 days
Nanographene oxide as an efficient photocatalyst in the degradation of Rhodamine 6 B dye and solvent free oxidation of benzyl alcohol European Graphene Forum - 2018 European Graphene Forum International 23-10-2018 Venice Italy 3 days
Nanographene oxide as an efficient photocatalyst in the degradation of Rhodamine 6 B dye and solvent free oxidation of benzyl alcohol. European Graphene Forum – 2018 Graphene Forum International 23-10-2018 Venice Italy 3 days
ZnO-TiO2 composites as photocatalysts for the degradation of methylene blue dye. SU-CHEM 2018 IICT Hyderabad International 05-08-2018 Hyderabad India 4 days
Structure – catalytic activity correlation in aluminum hydroxide supported vanadia catalysts 19 th national symposium on catalysis for sustainable energy and chemicals NCL, Pune National 18-01-2009 Pune India 4 days
Amination of Benzyl alcohol catalysed by Molybdenum species promoted Aluminium Hydroxide National workshop on catalysis for Energy Banarus Hindu university National 23-02-2006 Varanasi India 3 days
Catalytic activity of Aluminium Hydroxide supported molybdenum, Chromium and Vanadium oxo species: A comparative study in Dibenzyl ether formation. National workshop on catalysis for Energy Bararas Hindu University , Varanasi UP National 23-02-2006 Varanasi India 3 days
Al(OH)3 containing molybdenum species as an efficient support catalyst system in benzyl alcohol reaction Sustainable Development through Catalysis CSMCRI and catalysis society of India National 18-01-2005 Bhavnagar India 3 days
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Others Womens Cell 01-04-2024 Magic mindfullnes one hour
Workshop University Women's cell 01-03-2023 International women's Day One week
Others Womens cell 01-03-2023 Uddann One week
Conference National Shanty Mathew 10-01-2020 Fontiers of catalysis science and technology and its applications Two days
Workshop State Science accademies Spectroscopic and microscopic methods for the analysis of materials Two days
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop)
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Start Date Place Duration
Recent Trends in Chemistry Bangalore 24.02.2016 24.02.2016 Jyothi Nivas College Conference National 24-06-2023 one day
New Frontier Research in Chemical Sciences Conference International 10-06-2023 3 days
Research Tools and Applications Training Program Intra-Collegiate 04-08-2022 one day
Current Issues confronting Principals and Heads of institution in India Bangalore 19.02.2020 21.02.2020 Jyothi Nivas College Seminar National Jyoti Nivas College 19-02-2021 three
19 th national symposium on catalysis for sustainable energy and chemicals Workshop National 18-01-2021 4 days
Current Issues confronting Principals and Heads of institution in India Bangalore 19.02.2020 21.02.2020 Jyothi Nivas College Webinar National JNC 19-02-2020 One day
Frontiers of Catalysis Science and Technology and its applications Bangalore 10.01.2020 11.01.2020 St. joseph’s College Conference National SJC chemistry department 10-01-2020 2 days
Heterogenous catalysis in Organic synthesis Seminar State Vijaya College 18-10-2019 Bangalore One day
Advances in Materials Research (ICAMR-2019) Workshop International Ramaiah University 25-07-2019 3 days
Nano Technology – 2019 Workshop International 10-01-2019 2days
Two day Extension Lecture programme in Chemistry Bangalore 15.11.2018 16.11.2018 IISc. Workshop University Bangalore university 15-11-2018 Bangalore univrsity, Bangalore 2 days
ZnO-TiO2 composites as photocatalysts for the degradation of methylene blue dye. SushreeSubhadra , N Nagaraju, H. Kathyayini, LaveenaMarietVeigas, Shanty Mathew. SU-CHEM 2018 Poster Hyderabad, India August 5-8th , 2018. Conference International IICT, Hyderabad 05-08-2018 Hyderabad 3 days
Nanographene oxide as an efficient photocatalyst in the degradation of Rhodamine 6 B dye and solvent free oxidation of benzyl alcohol. Daisy Theresa, N Nagaraju, H. Kathyayini3, Shanty Mathew European Graphene Forum – 2018 Oral Venice University, Venice October 23rd -25 th, 2018. Conference International Graphene forum 23-06-2018 3
23rd National Symposium on Catalysis Bangalore 17.01.2018 19.01.2018 Catalysis Society of India, Bengaluru Chapter. Conference National catalysis society 17-01-2018 Bangalore 3 days
STEM – Teacher Training workshop on Research based Pedagogical tools Kerala 11.10.2017 14-10.2017 Sacred Heart College Training Program State IISER 11-10-2017 Kerala 4 days
17 th national Workshop on “Challenges in catalysis Science and Technology” Poster Hyderabad 2016 Workshop National 25-06-2016 3 days
Recent Advances in Electrochemistry Bangalore 28-10.2015 29-10.2015 Workshop State NMKRV college for women 28-08-2015 Bangalore 2 days
Chemistry - Challenges and opportunities Bangalore 16.02.2012 18.02.2012 St. Joseph’s College Conference National SJC 16-02-2012 3 days
Lecture workshop on contemporary issues in Chemistry Workshop State Visveshwarapura College of Science 26-03-2010 Bangalore Two days
National workshop on catalysis Workshop National BIT, Bangalore 08-02-2007 3 days
Chemistry of nanomaterials Seminar State 28-03-2006 one day
National workshop on catalysis for Energy Workshop National 23-02-2006 3 days
Sustainable Development through Catalysis Seminar National 18-01-2005 3 days
!^ th National symposium and 1 st Indo-German conference Conference International IICT Hyderabad 06-02-2003 Hyderabad 3 days
Effective leadership in higher education Workshop State SJC 29-07-2000 2
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Received KAMALA BHAGVAT SOHONIE Science Shishika Shodhkartri Mention 2022 award on International Day National re:think India India 11-02-2022
Puraskara Others SJC Bangalore 23-12-2021
Puraskara 2021 by St. Joseph’s college for the excellent and meritorious achievement National Jesuit Management Bangalore 23-12-2021
for securing management funds /grants for research projects Others St. Joseph's College Bangalore 23-12-2021
Puraskara Others SJC Bangalore 23-12-2021
Best Paper award International JNC Bangalore 13-11-2021
Best Teacher award by Institute of scholars in the year 2021 National Institute of scholors India 04-01-2021
Best Paper award International Aloysious college , Mangalore Mangalore 10-01-2019
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Refresher courese Refresher Courses Others Bangalore Bangalore University 17-02-2005 10-03-2005
Refresher course Refresher Courses Others Bangalore University Bangalore 01-01-2003 21-02-2003
Orientation program Orientation Programmes Others Bangalore university Bangalore 28-01-2002 23-02-2002
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=w15cLUAAAAAJ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shanty-Mathew https://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-3815-3013 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=12646581000 491386