
Mr Karthick R V

Assistant Professor,Commerce

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
Master of Commerce Commerce St. Joseph's University 36,lalbagh roaf Bengaluru 560027
Bachelor of commerce commerce Bangalore central university central college campus bangalore 560001
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET commerce Cleared
KSET commerce Cleared
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Effect of green HRM, Ethics and its economic Benefits Green HRM for Sustainable development KSR college of Arts and science for Women International 27-10-2022 Thiruchengode India 1 day
Kannada in the shackles of globalisation Current challenges of Kannada literature NMKRV Womens college National 30-09-2019 Bangalore India 1 day
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan
https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=dOyVZKAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AETOMgE_X1Rk-ChRnOgJKUSu8NJ4qO0oLah1_avQDMftMWeA0wFevk62pTFqyeme1y8dIQ7ixAqeHgBYDrH2013fIHU23kEul0Jmru6H-ZakZ4gcadzoUP7BkVGWB4IrZJzfAQ nil NIL NIL https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/555001