
Mr Clement D Souza

Associate Professor,Economics

Specialization : Mathematical economics

Employee Code : SJCEC03

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
MA - Economics Economics Mangalore University Mangalore Yes
BA Economics Economics St Aloysius College (Autonomous) Mangaluru
M.Phil Details
College / University Name College / University Address Title Registered Date Completion Date Marks / Grade Obtained Published Paper Details
Mangalore mangala gangothri analysis of coffee 07-06-2020 07-11-1989 A 1. 40 years of indian banking and 2 working of samll scale industries 3. economics of proposed kon
Books Published
Title Type No of Authors or Editors Your authorial position Year ISBN Publisher Details
Path finder 2011 Authored 2 2nd 2011 ISBN 978-81-928345-3-5 Prof CLEMENT DSOUZA
International Economics – 2009 -10 Authored 1 1st 2010 15248954525 CLEMENT DSOUZA
Title of Project Category Level Department Current Status Principal Investigator Funding Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Amount
1. Completed UGC Minor research project entitled “ An economics analysis of the household saving Minor National SOCIAL SCIENCE Completed Prof CLEMENT DSOUZA UGC 05-06-2017 12-02-2018 1 LAKH
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Seminar National St. Josephs commerce College [autonomous] Bangalore. 18-09-2013 Human resource management and practices in Higher education. One day Bangalore
Seminar National St. Josephs College Bangalore. 29-11-2012 “Teaching social sciences: opportunities in the New Millennium.” Others Bangalore
Seminar National Mount Carmel College [autonomous] Bangalore. 26-08-2012 sensitization and actual functioning of B. Voc courses and community colleges Afternoon Bangalore
Workshop National Christ University, Bangalore. 14-12-2011 National Level- financial econometric modelling workshop Afternoon Bangalore
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
BOS meeting Others Local Jyothi Nivas college bangalore 25-11-2019 25-11-2019
auditing of question paper Others Local St Josephs College Of Commerce Bangalore 02-11-2019 02-11-2019
BOE Meeting Others Local SJCC BANGALORE 16-09-2019 16-09-2019
excellence in higher education Seminar State CCCK & XB Mysore 22-08-2019 22-08-2019
3 day national workshop on 'documentation and preparedness for accreditation’ Seminar National organized by St Agnes College [autonomous], Mangalore, in association with Xavier Board of Higher ed MANGALORE 20-06-2019 22-06-2019
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
Paramarsh Programme on the topic “Creative infusions of different stakeholders in Higher Education Invited Talk National UGC 27-09-2021 Bangalore India
JESCOL -21 Programme for SJBHS Others Inter-collegiate 23-09-2021 Bangalore India
staff orientation /induction Programme for New faculty Invited Talk College level St Joseph’s evening College [Autonomous] Bangalore 03-08-2021 St Joseph’s evening College [Autonomous] Bangalore India
staff orientation Programme Invited Talk College level St Joseph’s Preuniversity evening College, Bangalore 12-07-2021 St Joseph’s Preuniversity evening College, Bangalore India
A paradigm shift in economic thinking toward technology Keynote Address National Indian Economic Association 27-12-2020 Dr B.A university, Agra India
graduation address Invited Talk College level BM Composite college 03-02-2019 Bangalore India
economic rights of refugees around the world Invited Talk International 01-10-2018 UNHRC Geneva Geneva
campus connect for the alumni of 100-year-old institution Keynote Address College level St Agnes College [Autonomous], Mangalore 21-07-2018 St Agnes College [Autonomous], Mangalore India
Benchmarking of Higher education institutes – types and benefits. Keynote Address - St Agnes College [Autonomous], Mangalore 20-07-2018 St Agnes College [Autonomous], Mangalore India
how to animate academic programmes Keynote Address College level SDM College Mangalore 19-07-2018 SDM College Mangalore India
Faculty Development Programme - relevance of teaching plan and a lesson plan Keynote Address College level St Joseph’s Evening College [Autonomous] Bangalore 30-06-2018 St Joseph’s Evening College [Autonomous] Bangalore India
consumer protection – issues and challenges Keynote Address National st Aloysius College Mangalore 16-02-2018 st Aloysius College Mangalore India
Emerging trends on the public policy Keynote Address National level Seminar Jyothi Nivas college Bangalore 23-01-2018 Jyothi Nivas college Bangalore India
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kausalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) Invited Talk national conference 29-11-2017 Tumkur University India
social issues Keynote Address National level Seminar Tumkur University, Bangalore 12-08-2017 Tumkur University, Bangalore India
Quality enhancement and 4th cycle of NAAC Invited Talk College level 12-07-2017 St. Agnes College, [Autonomous] Mangalore India
IQAC and its role Invited Talk College level St. Agnes College, [Autonomous] Mangalore 12-07-2017 St. Agnes College, [Autonomous] Mangalore India
social issues Invited Talk National level Seminar Jyothi nivas college, Bangalore 10-08-2016 Bangalore India
NAAC and its requirements of accreditations for quality in higher education institutions Keynote Address national St. Agnes college Mangalore 25-06-2016 St. Agnes college Mangalore India
self-motivation at holy child institutions Invited Talk - 06-05-2016 Shillong. Meghalaya India
Community Mental Health: Trends and Challenges Invited Talk International Conference departments of social work, psychology in collaborating with The University of North Carolina, Wilmi 04-12-2015 USA USA
marketing in 21st century Invited Talk Inter-collegiate St. Josephs College of Business administration. SJIM, Bangalore 14-11-2015 Bangalore India
Expanding the Jesuit Higher Education Network: Collaborations for Social Justice. Invited Talk International 07-07-2015 ACU Melbourne Australia. ACU Melbourne Australia.
forms and structure of community engagements an experience Invited Talk College level Jain University 08-03-2015 Bangalore India
Perspective on nation building, a new agenda for higher education Keynote Address National AIACHE, New Delhi 29-01-2015 AIACHE, New Delhi India
role of religion and nation building Keynote Address National MHRD 28-01-2015 India India
life skills and youth empowerment Keynote Address National UGC 24-01-2015 Cross land college Brahmavar Brahmavar
role of IQAC in facilitating quality in Higher education at the international conference on higher e Invited Talk International 11-12-2014 St. Louis University USA USA
‘Effective class room communication' Keynote Address College level SDM College Mangalore 15-07-2014 SDM College Mangalore India
‘Epigraphy and History ‘to the members of Parishodana Invited Talk College level 14-07-2014 Parishodana India