
Ms Prathibha Sara Jacob

Assistant Professor,English

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
MA English Language and Literature Mar Ivanios College, Autonomous Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
BA English Language and Literature Mahatma Gandhi Univeristy Kottayam, Kerala
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
University Shift III 27-03-2023 Tejas - Cultural Fest 1 week
Seminar Local Department of Humanities, Shift III 27-02-2023 Guest Lecture - The Debt of Salt 1 day
Workshop Local Shift III 10-01-2023 Orientation Programme 1 day Auditorium
Guidance and Support
Title of the Paper Department Year of Guidance Type Name of the Institution Name of Students
Working Title - Love in the Yesteryears and Now: A Look into the Portrayal of Romantic Relationships in Tamil Cinema ENGLISH 2025 (Current academic year) Term Paper St. Joseph's University Prithiya (BA ECH)
ENGLISH 2024-2025 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Tukhughalli (I MA)
ENGLISH 2024-2025 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Nishela ( I MA)
ENGLISH 2024-2025 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Kenneth D'Souza (I MA)
Divine Interference: Exploring The Character Flaws Of Greek Gods And Their Impact On Mortal Lives ENGLISH 2024 Term Paper St. Joseph's University Tanusha Avinash (BCA)
ENGLISH 2023-2025 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Faustina Panackal
ENGLISH 2023-2024 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Mini P Thomas
ENGLISH 2023-2024 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Atokugha ( MA)
ENGLISH 2023-2024 Master's degree project Rutba, Ishita, Joel Cheriyan
ENGLISH 2022-2024 Master's degree project St. Joseph's University Joshua Raposo, Kikumnaro, Cyril, Lalmuangsanga