
Dr W Jothy

Associate Professor,Microbiology

Specialization : Microbiology

Employee Code : 20080701125

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
PhD Microbiology Jain Deemed to be University Bengaluru
M.Sc Microbiology Bharathidasan University Trichy, Tamil Nadu Yes
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET Microbiology (Agriculture Science) Cleared
NET Microbiology (Agriculture Science) Cleared
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Development of plant growth promoting microbial consortia based on interaction studies to reduce scl Jain Deemed to be University Jain Deemed to be University, Bengaluru 30-10-2013 16-05-2020 W. Jothy and Srividya Shivakumar (2018). Growth promotion and biocontrol efficacy of cauliflower by Awarded
M.Phil Details
College / University Name College / University Address Title Registered Date Completion Date Marks / Grade Obtained Published Paper Details
Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu Screening of secondary metabolites form Vitex negundo a medicinal plant and its antimicrobial potenc 09-06-2003 14-07-2004 I nil
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Growth promotion and biocontrol efficacy of Cauliflower by Plant Growth Promoting bacterial consortia Advances in Bioresearch ISSN 2277-1573 (Included in Web of Science) 2018 DOI: 10.15515/abr.0976-4585.9.4.4347 1st 2 No IF
Influence of plant growth promoting microbial consortia on the growth of Brassica oleracea L. and their Bio-control efficacy International Journal of Advanced Life Sciences 2018 1st 2 0.001-0.999
Title of Project Category Level Department Current Status Principal Investigator Funding Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Amount
Development of Plant growth promoting microbial consortia mediated wide spectrum biocontrol agent ag Minor National NATURAL SCIENCE Completed W. JOTHY UGC 12-03-2013 12-09-2014 1,90,000
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Impact of nutrients and environmental conditions on the biofilm formations of bacterial isolatImpact Symposium on modern trends in infectious diseases and environmental health Department of Botany, Zoology, Environmental science, Microbiology and Biotechnology Others 01-03-2018 St.Joseph's college, bengaluru India One day
Development of plant growth promoting microbial consortia based on interaction studies to reduce scl Enzyme Research in Agriculture, Food and Industrial Biotechnology Maharani's Science College for women National 12-03-2015 Bangalore India Two Days
Development of plant growth promoting microbial consortium based on interaction studies to reduce da Current perspectives of fungi in health care and environment Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology National 13-03-2013 Bengaluru India Two Days
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop)
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Start Date Place Duration
Best Practices and Institutional Distinctiveness Webinar National All India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE)& St. Joseph's College, Tieuchirappalli 04-03-2024 Online 4 days
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Summer Research Fellowship National Science Academies' University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru 02-08-2021 2 months
Best presentation award National Jain University Bengaluru 18-11-2018
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Lecturer J.J. College of Arts and Science 17-06-2002 30-12-2005
Lecturer Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College 11-04-2001 11-04-2002
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Research Based Pedogogical Tools Workshop State IISER Pune and at St. Joseph’s College Bengaluru 04-04-2018 06-04-2018
Bioresources: Prospecting, Utilization and conservation Refresher Courses National Department of Zoology, Saiva Bhanu Kshatriya College, Aruppukottai Tamil Nadu 01-11-2017 14-11-2017
Exploring pathways, unlocking ideas Others Local Jain University Bengaluru 31-01-2015 01-02-2015
Pharmacophore Analysis and Drug Designing Workshop State Biozone Institute of Life Sciences Chennai 11-10-2014 11-10-2014
Recent Advances in Immuno Molecular Diagnostics FDPs attended State Vision group on Science and Technology, Dept. of IT, BT and S&T, Govt. of Karnataka, in association Bengaluru 21-01-2014 24-01-2014
Research Retreat-Exploring pathways and unlocking ideas Others Local Jain University, Bengaluru 18-08-2012 19-08-2012
Cell culture technology for studying Apoptosis and Angiogenesis Training Program State organized by Department of studies in Biotechnology, Manasagangotri, Mysore Mysore 24-01-2011 31-01-2011
hands on training cum workshop on Plant Tissue Culture FDPs attended National Department of Biotechnology Engineering NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karkala Taluk Mangalore 24-06-2009 26-06-2009
Orientation Course Orientation Programmes State UGC Academic Staff College Trichy 30-04-2005 27-05-2005
Medicinal plants Perspectives prospects and Challenges Workshop State Gandhjiram Rural Institute Deemed University, Dindigul Tamil Nadu 20-12-2003 21-12-2003
Technoshop Workshop Local Seahorse Hospitals Ltd., Trichy Tamil Nadu 15-07-2000 16-07-2000