Academic Degree | Subject | University | Address of the University | Rank/ Medals |
PhD | English | Karnatak University, Dharwad | Karnatak University, Dharwad, pavate nagar, Dharwad | |
MA | English | Karnatak University, Dharwad | Karnatak University, pavate nagar, Dharwad | |
BA | English | Karnatak University, Dharwad. | KArnatak University, Pavate nagar, Dharwad. | |
Category | Subject | Status |
NET | English | Cleared |
KSET | English | Cleared |
Title of Thesis | University / Institution | University Address | Date of Registration | Date of Completion | Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) | Current Status |
The Golden Age of Detective Fiction in the 1920s and 1930s with Reference to Agatha Christie | Karnatak University, Dharwad. | Karnatak University, Pavate nagar, Dharwad. | 06-12-2017 | 06-10-2022 | 1. Reflections of Racism and Oriental Elements in the Select Novels of Agatha Christie. Literary Endeavour, 2019, I, special issue. 2. Women Representation in Indian Cinema: A study of Agatha Christie’s Adaptations. IJCRT, 2020, 8, 12. | Awarded |
Title | Journal Name | Year | DOI/URL | Your authorial position | How many authors | Clarivate IF |
Women Representation in Indian Cinema: A study of Agatha Christie’s Adaptations. | IJCRT | 2020 | | 1st | 1 | |
Reflections of Racism and Oriental Elements in the Select Novels of Agatha Christie. | Literary Endeavour | 2019 | | 1st | 1 | |
The New Women and Dalit Heroes | Shodhamanthan | 2019 | 1st | 1 | 5.463 (SJIF) | |
Title of Paper | Title of Seminar/Conference | Organized by | Level | Start Date | Place | Country | Duration |
Culture, Misery and Modernity in the Short Stories of Hansda Sowendra Shekar | Narratives of Aborigine: The Voices Unmute | Vijayanagar Srikrishnadevaraya University, Ballari. | International | 03-06-2025 | Vijaynagara | India | one day |
A Doll's House as a Pioneering Work on Feminism | The Changing Trends in the Teaching of English and Literature | Karnatak University, Dharwad | National | 26-03-2025 | Dharwad | India | 2 days |
Translation and Globalization: A Boon in the Modern World | Translation: Theory in Practice: New Perspectives | Karnatak University. | National | 15-02-2020 | Dharwad | India | one day |
From Damsel in Distress to Detective: Adapting Agatha Christie’s Fiction in Indian Cinema | Gendering Literature and Culture: Australia and the Asia Pacific | Dept of English, University of Madras. | International | 20-01-2020 | Madras | India | 1 day |
Reflections of Racism and Oriental Elements in the select Novels of Agatha Christie | Literatures in English: Trends and Forms | Davangere University. | International | 25-04-2019 | Davangere | India | 1 day |
The New Women and Dalit Heroes | New Horizons of Dalit Culture and Literature | Dr. Ambedkar, Study Center, Tumkur University, Tumkur. | National | 05-03-2019 | Tumkur | India | 1 day |
Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Start Date | Place | Duration |
Writing Worlds, Worlds Writing: New textualities and Their Online Lives | Conference | National | Dept of English, St. Joseph's University. | 20-03-2023 | Bengaluru | 5 days |
Political Empowerment of Women in Different SCheduled TribeCommunities of Karnataka | Workshop | University | Scheduled Tribe Welfare Department, Bengaluru and Karnataka State Tribe Research Institute, Mysuru in collaboration withPG dept, Sociology,KU, Dharwad. | 21-02-2021 | Dharwad | 2 days |
International Seminar on Narratives of Aborigine: The Voices Unmute | Seminar | International | Vijayanagar Srikrishnadevaraya University, Ballari. | 03-06-2019 | BALLARI | 5 hours |
Designation | Institution Name | Start Date | End Date |
Assistant Professor | CVR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | 12-03-2021 | 23-08-2022 |
Google Scholar id | ResearchGate id | Orcid id | Scopus Author ID | Vidwan |
NA | NA | NA | | |
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