The housing consists of regular self-contained living rooms, dining facilities, recreational facilities, chapel, etc.
Some of the university's distinguished national and international guests are also housed here.

Fr Swebert D'Silva SJ
Rector and Pro Chancellor
Fr Victor Lobo SJ
Vice Chancellor

Rev. Dr Richard Rego SJ
Dean, ICMS
Director, Global Initiatives

Fr Denzil Lobo SJ

Dr Maxim Dias
Dean, Shift-III

Fr Arun D'Souza SJ
Asst. Prof., & Finance Officer
Dr Roshan Castelino
(Asst Prof. Physics & IT)

Fr Francis Pinto SJ
Asst. Prof. & Residence Administrator
Fr James Chin SJ
Chaplain, Northeast Catholic Community Bangalore & Advisor, Northeast and Tibetan Students forum
Fr Jaison Pais SJ
(Director, Student Residence)
Prof. Ralph daCosta SJ
(Prof. Emiretus & SJU Archives)

Mr Joseph Rodrigues
(Head, Kitchen Services)
Ms Sumitra Siddi
(Asst. Head, Kitchen Services)
Ms Jackline Siddi
(Kitchen Services)

Mr Roshan