St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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To form women and men for and with others, who through holistic education, strive for a just, secular, democratic, and ecologically sensitive society which empowers the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized


In keeping with the Jesuit heritage, the university aims at an integral formation of the staff and the students, to be men and women who will be agents of societal change, by enabling them to attain academic and human excellence in a teaching-learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, ceaseless enquiry, personal integrity, social commitment, creativity, critical thinking, and innovation.


St Joseph’s University is focused on nurturing a vibrant academic environment anchored in a framework of core values that constitute the foundation of Jesuit education:

‘Cura Personalis’ - emphasises the view that reach person is a unique creation of God. ‘Cura Personalis’ (meaning ‘care of whole self’) is demonstrated by personal attention in the classroom, a deep respect for diversity and an emphasis on holistic care for the mind, body and spirit;

Discernment -  Discernment encourages students to be open to God’s spirit as they make decisions and take actions that contribute to the greater good. Discernment is practiced through prayer, reflection, consultation with others and considering the full impact of actions from diverse perspectives;

Finding God in all things – A Jesuit education is one grounded in the presence of God, and encompasses imagination, emotion and intellect. The Jesuit Vision encourages students to see the divine in all things – in all people and cultures, in all areas of study and learning, and in every human experience;  

‘Magis’ – A commitment to the concept of ‘Magis’ is a hallmark of Jesuit education. It challenges students to go beyond what is expected, interacting with the world with generosity, excellence and empathy. ‘Magis’ is modelled by personal accountability and high expectations and achievement;

Reflection -  A foundational value of Jesuit education is the practice of reflection. Students are invited to pause and consider the world around them and their place within it, before making decisions. This includes challenging the status quo, acknowledging biases and accepting responsibility for action;

Service rooted in justice and love -  Jesuit education cultivates critical awareness of social and personal evil, but points out that God’ s love is more powerful. This value is illustrated through community service programs, immersion experiences, and various volunteering opportunities for students;

Solidarity and kinship – Students work together for the greater good. They develop relationships with their surrounding communities and share their talents and skills to help and  serve others. This value is practiced through community-engaged learning, where     students work with community members to come up with innovative solutions.  

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