St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Botany

Faculty Details


Dr. Paramesha M

Assistant Professor,Botany

Specialisation : Field Ecology, Vegetation Dynamics, NTFPs, Plant-Animal Interactions, Wildlife Corridor Ecology, Invasive Alien Species Ecology, Biodiversity Conservation, Sustainability Studies, and Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Environmental Issues

Employee Code : 20180601446


Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
MSc Botany University of Mysore Krishnaraja Boulevard Road, K.G Koppal, Mysuru, Karnataka 570006
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Functionality of wildlife corridors in the fragmented landscape of the Western Ghats, India: Implica Manipal University Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Karnataka 576104 06-02-2010 27-10-2015 15 papers were published in peer-reviewed journals to popular magazines Awarded
Post Doc Details
Institution Name Institution Address Start Date End Date Subject Outcome
Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment Royal Enclave, Srirampura, Jakkur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064 01-01-2015 31-05-2018 Managing India’s Forests for Biodiversity and Human Well-being in the Face of Global Environmental Developed community-based wildlife corridor conservation strategies and also invasive species Lantan
Book Chapter Published
Article Title Book title Book editor Article pages No of Chapters Year ISBN Publisher Details
Prioritizing native plant species for eco-restoration of degraded wildlife corridor in dry tropical Vegetation Allan Sebata 27 More 2018 ISBN: 978-953-51-3830-3 IntechOpen Publisher; the world's leading publisher of Open Access books Built by scientists, for s
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Riparian zones and pollination service: A case study from coffee-agrosystem along river Cauvery, Sou Nature Environment and Pollution Technology 2020 Other 3 0.001-0.999
Conservation through conversation: a collaborative corridor restoration initiative in BRT tiger rese Current Science 2017 1st and corresponding 3 0.001-0.999
Assessing Habitat Quality of Forest-Corridors through NDVI Analysis in Dry Tropical Forests of South Remote Sensing 2015 1st and corresponding 4 2.000-4.999
Disentangling, again, the drivers of population decline for two harvested species: a response to Pra Journal of Applied Ecology 2014 Other 4 5.000-9.999
Interdisciplinary research: way forward for biodiversity conservation Current Science 2013,%20Paramesha 1st and corresponding 1 0.001-0.999
Do wildlife corridors need protection Sanctuary Asia 2012 1st and corresponding 1
Disentangling the effects of multiple anthropogenic drivers on the decline of two tropical dry fores Journal of Applied Ecology 2012 Other 4 5.000-9.999
Sourcing local solutions for conflict Current Conservation 2011 1st and corresponding 1
Title of Project Category Level Department Current Status Principal Investigator Funding Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Amount
Assessing ecosystem services and community perception on the riparian ecosystems along River Cauvery Minor International BOTANY Completed PARAMESHA M Rufford Foundation (Rufford Small Grant) 12-10-2017 11-10-2018 430000.00
Human-wildlife conflict in Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats, India: A pr Minor Local BOTANY Completed PARAMESHA M ATREE -NORAGRIC Small Grants 02-01-2010 117000
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Functional corridors for wildlife conservation: challenges and opportunities in the southern Western National Seminar on Wildlife Biology Dept. of Zoology & ARocha, India at St. Josephs College, Bangalore. National 12-03-2020 Bangalore. India One day
Causes, consequences and community responses towards human-wildlife conflict at BRT tiger reserve, W National Conference on Ecology, Economics and Sustainability Dept. of Economics & KIAL at St. Jospeh’s College, Bangalore, India. National 09-03-2020 Bengaluru India One day
Effect of Lantana camara removal on native plant diversity: implications for management of invasives Student Conference on Conservation Science Indian Institute of Science International 27-09-2018 Bengaluru India Three Days
Community-based corridor restoration in dry tropical forest of south India: Challenges and opportuni SCCS-Beijing 2016 Peking University, China. International 03-11-2016 Beijing China Others
Assessing the socio-ecological status of wildlife corridors for better management in Mysore-Nilgiri ITES – Ecosystem Management Seminar ETH Zurich (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) International 27-08-2012 Zurich Switzerland One day
Multidisciplinary approach to conserve wildlife corridors in Mysore-Nilgiri landscape of Western Gha Global Environments Summer Academy 2012 Rachel Carson Center, Global Diversity Foundation and Ludwig Maximilian University International 12-08-2012 Munich Germany Others
Assessing the socio-ecological status of wildlife corridors for better management in the Mysore-Nilg International Symposium XTBG, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. International 24-10-2010 Kunming China Others
Regeneration dynamics of forest trees, a case study of Amla in BRT Wildlife Sanctuary, Western Ghats GCOE-INeT Summer School 2009 GCOE and Hokkaido University, Japan. International 12-06-2009 Sapporo Japan Others
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) fruit-frugivores interaction and bio-resource conservation in Biligiri Rang ATBC Annual Meeting-2009 King Mongkut’s University of Tech. Thonburi International 12-02-2009 Chiang Mai Thailand Three Days
Amla fruit-frugivore interaction and Bioresource Conservation in Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife National Symposium on ‘Plant Resources of India: Linking Conservation, Livelihood and Culture’ Sri JCBM College, Sringeri. National 14-03-2008 Sringeri, Karnataka State. India Three Days
Long-term Monitoring of bio resources for better management – a case study of Amla. National Seminar on Plant Resources of the Western Ghats Karnataka Biodiversity Board National 07-12-2006 Bangalore India Two Days
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Others Local Botanical Society 17-08-2024 Botanical Society Inaugural Talk 1 hour Di Nobili Hall, SJU
Seminar National Dr. Paramesha M, Department of Botany 05-06-2021 How to make a Terrarium – a Mini Garden Forenoon Bangalore
Seminar National Department of Botany 05-06-2020 National level webinar on 'Species Recovery and Conservation of Endangered Species in India'. Forenoon Online
Membership (Research body/Professional Association)
Name of the Body Position Level Start Date End Date Any other Information
American Society of Mammalogists. Member International 12-02-2016 11-02-2017
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Best paper presentation award National NCECS, Department of Economics, SJC, Bengaluru. Bengaluru 09-03-2020
Registration fee and travel grant to attend SCCS Beijing 2016 International Peking University Beijing 02-09-2016
Publication charge for a publication of a manuscript Others ATREE Bangalore 20-01-2015
Edda G sehgal travel grant to attend GESA 2012 Others ATREE Bangalore 06-07-2012
Registration fee to attend the GESA 2012 International Rachel Carson Center and Global Diversity Foundation Germany 03-07-2012
Registration fee and travel grant International Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden China 24-10-2010
Registration fee and international travel grant International GCOE Unit and Hokkaido University Sapporo, Japan. 27-09-2009
Registration fee and international travel grant to attend ATBC conference 2009 International ATBC and KMUTT Thailand 19-01-2009
Registration fee and international travel grant to attend Field Biology Course 2008 International CTFS-AA and FRIM Malaysia 17-06-2008
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Program Associate Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment 01-01-2015 30-06-2018
Research Associate Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment 05-04-2005 30-06-2008
Guidance and Support
Title of the Paper Department Year of Guidance Type Name of the Institution Name of Students
Estimation of Carbon sequestration potential of trees present in the St. Joseph’s College (Autonom BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Ragini Singh (17CEB32009)
Antimicrobial resistance in E.Coli isolated from raw milk. BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Golla Naveen Kumar (17CBT36031)
Estimation of pesticide residue in organically cultivated vegetables: a case study from Bangalore Ci BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Megha J K (17CEB32002)
Assessing biodiversity and ecosystem services of Loktak Lake, Manipur, India. BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Ronia Haobijam (17CBZ31074)
Assessing growth and development of few economically important crop plants under different ecologica BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Sharada Prajna (17CBT36027)
Ethnobotanical survey in Imphal East District of Manipur State, Northeast India. BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Rajkumar Jaman Singh (17CBZ31043)
Seasonal variation in bird diversity at Lalbagh Lake, Bangalore, India. BOTANY 2018-19 Term Paper Sumanth N (17CBT36050)
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Hands on Training in Webinar Design Seminar National BRPT Dr. MGR Government Arts and Science College, Palacod, Palacode 29-06-2020 29-06-2020
Online Preparedness: A new world for education frontline workers in India Seminar National Dept. of Sociology, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bangalore Bangalore 27-06-2020 27-06-2020
Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy Seminar National Dept. of Commerce, Loyola College, Manvi, India. Manvi 26-06-2020 26-06-2020
Digital Teacher Program FDPs attended Local St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bangalore, India. Bangalore 25-06-2020 30-06-2020
Reconfiguring the Mind: Post COVID Consciousness FDPs attended International Jyoti Nivas College (Autonomous), Bangalore, India. Bangalore 23-06-2020 27-06-2020
Traditional diet and Human Well-being Seminar National Teresian College, Mysore Mysore 19-06-2020 19-06-2020
Current Trends in Phytomedicine Research Seminar International Dept. of Botany, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore Bangalore 14-06-2020 14-06-2020
Wildlife Trafficking and Zoonoses Seminar National Department of Zoology, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, in association with A Rocha Ind Bangalore 08-06-2020 10-06-2020
Conservation of Biodiversity in Kalyana Karnataka Region, Oppurtunities and Challenges Seminar National Loyola College, Manvi, Manvi 05-06-2020 05-06-2020
Online teaching-learning and onlne demo FDPs attended National InPods Ed-tech Pune 29-05-2020 29-05-2020
The Glimpses of Plant Sciences from Ancient India Seminar National Department of Botany, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Baroda 28-05-2020 28-05-2020
Water Conservation and Wise Usage of Water Seminar National APS College of Arts & Science, Bengaluru. Bangalore 26-05-2020 26-05-2020
Webcast on Advanced OBE: Identifying weaker students and remedial actions FDPs attended National InPods Ed-tech Pune 21-05-2020 21-05-2020
Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling Training Program International Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling Coursera 17-05-2020 12-07-2020
Training on E-Content Development: Strategies, Tools and Opportunities FDPs attended Local St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. Bengaluru 13-05-2020 20-05-2020
Research Capability Building – A Strategy to Promote Research Culture in Higher Education Seminar National Bhavan’s Vivekananda College, Secunderabad Secunderabad 12-05-2020 14-05-2020
Robots after Covid-19 Seminar National Nilgiri College of Arts & Science, Tamil Nadu Thaloor 11-05-2020 11-05-2020
Plant Omics in Space Seminar International Department of Botany, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru Bangalore 05-05-2020 05-05-2020
Inclusive Indian Traditions for a Holistic Global Education FDPs attended National PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore. Coimbatore 03-05-2020 09-05-2020
Enhancing Research Communication Skills through ScienceDirect and Mendeley FDPs attended National Dayalbagh Educational Institute Uttar Pradesh 03-05-2020 03-05-2020
How to write effective case study? FDPs attended National Atmiya University, Rajkot (Gujarat) Rajkot (Gujarat) 02-05-2020 02-05-2020
Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Education FDPs attended National InPods (Pune) and IQAC of GFC, Vijayanagara Bangalore 01-05-2020 01-05-2020
Communication Skills, Modes and Knowledge Dissemination FDPs attended National AICTE-National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTT), Chandigarh SWAYAM MOOCs platform. 02-03-2020 27-04-2020
IPR and filing patents Workshop Local St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) Bangalore 26-02-2020 26-02-2020
Descriptive Statistics with R Software FDPs attended National IIT Kanpur conducted on SWAYAM MOOCs platform. SWAYAM MOOCs platform. 24-02-2020 17-04-2020
Descriptive Statistics with R Software FDPs attended National Dr. Shalabh from IIT Kanpur IIT Kanpur 24-02-2020 17-04-2020
Botanical Nomenclature Workshop National Dept. of Botany, Bangalore University Bangalore 08-02-2020 08-02-2020
National Conference on Data Revolution in Computational Biology and Drug Development Conference National Department of Botany, Computer Science and Big Data Analytics, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Bangalore 17-12-2019 18-12-2019
JESCOL: Faculty Development Program FDPs attended Local Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society (BJES Bangalore 18-11-2019 20-11-2020
Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching Refresher Courses National Ministry of Human Resource Development. Govt. of India. Swayam Online 01-09-2019 30-12-2019
Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching Refresher Courses National MHRD, Govt. of India IISER, Pune 01-09-2019 09-02-2020
Faculty Development (Induction) Program’ FDPs attended Local St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru Bangalore 03-06-2019 07-06-2019
Faculty Development (Immersion) Program FDPs attended Local Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society (BJES) Bangalore 26-05-2019 30-05-2019
Methods in Plant Sciences Workshop National Dept. of Botany, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) and CellKraft BIOTECH PVT LTD. Bengaluru 01-02-2019 01-02-2019
Long-term wildlife monitoring: ecological and statistical considerations Workshop International LaCONES-CCMB, Hyderabad, India and Colorado State University, USA. Hyderabad 13-11-2018 18-11-2018
JESCOL: Faculty Development Program Workshop Local Bangalore Jesuit Educational Society (BJES) Bangalore 28-09-2018 30-09-2018
An overview of Plant Systematics Workshop State Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women & Mahatma Gandhi Botanical Garden, GKVK. Bangalore 03-08-2018 03-08-2018
An overview of Plant Systematics Seminar Local Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Women & Mahatma Gandhi Botanical Garden, GKVK, Bangalore Bangalore 03-08-2018 03-08-2018
Faculty Development (Induction) Program’ FDPs attended Local St. Joseph’s College Autonomous, Bangalore Bangalore 01-06-2018 08-06-2018
Kinship Conservation Regional Workshop Workshop International Kinship Foundation, USA. Bangalore 18-02-2018 23-02-2018
Long-term ecosystem monitoring Workshop International National Center for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore and Oxford University, UK NCBS, Bangalore 19-05-2014 20-05-2014
Land Degradation Surveillance Framework Training Program National CIFOR and ICRAF Kodagu 22-11-2013 26-11-2013
(1) Graphics & visualization in R, (2) Occupancy sampling, modeling & estimation: what, why, and how Conference International SCCS and IISc Bangalore 25-09-2013 25-08-2013
Global Environments Summer Academy 2012 Training Program International ‘Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society’ and the ‘Global Diversity Foundation’ at Munich, Germany 03-08-2012 24-08-2012
GCOE-INeT Summer School 2009 Training Program International GCOE Unit and Hokkaido University Japan 12-06-2009 20-06-2009
Ecological Niche Modelling Workshop Workshop Local ATREE and University of Colorado Bangalore 11-03-2009 12-03-2009
Statistics and Paper Writing Workshop International King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT) Bangkok, Thailand. 17-02-2009 27-02-2009
CTFS-AA 2008 International Field Biology Course Training Program International CTFS-AA and Forest Research Institute of Malaysia Malaysia 12-07-2008 24-08-2020
Changing Scenario in Angiosperm Systematics Conference National Dept. of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Kolhapur, India 19-11-2007 21-11-2007
Methodology workshop on Techniques for Analysis of Biodiversity Workshop National College of Forestry, Sirsi Sirsi 01-09-2006 03-09-2006
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
Field Exposure Trip for students from Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology Subject Expert Local ATREE 25-01-2018 B R Hills India
Orientation Program for 2016-18 IFS Probationers Subject Expert National ATREE 30-10-2017 Bangalore, B R Hills and KMTR India
Training workshop for ZP, TP and VP members of Karnataka State Invited Talk State Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy and Development 21-12-2016 MGIRED, Bangalore India
Guidelines to involve private sector in afforestation of degraded forests Subject Expert National Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) 10-02-2016 New Delhi India
Study Abroad Program for ‘Kansas University’ students. Subject Expert International ATREE 25-05-2013 B R Hills India
The Corridors of Power Subject Expert Local Friends of Elephants Bangalore India
Study Abroad Program for ‘Kansas University’ students. Subject Expert International ATREE B R Hills India

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