St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Botany

Faculty Details


Dr M Raju

Assistant Professor,Botany

Specialisation : Phytochemicals, Metabolomics, Nutrition biochemistry and Cancer research

Employee Code : 20180601445


Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
Postdoctoral Research Cell Biology, Kidney injury University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Postdoctoral Research Carotenoids Biochemistry, Cancer Biology University of South Florida St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida, USA
PhD Biochemistry University of Mysore CSIR-CFTRI, Dept. of Biochemistry and Nutrition, University of Mysore
MSc Botany University of Mysore Dept. of Botany, Manasagangothri, Mysore
BSc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology University of Mysore Govt. Science College for Boys, Mandya, Univ of Mysore
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET Life Sciences Cleared
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Enhancing the bioavailability of provitamin-A carotenoids from green leafy vegetables and their conv University of Mysore CSIR-CFTRI, Dept. of Biochemistry, Univ of Mysore 01-08-2003 24-10-2008 Single oral dose of micellar beta-carotene containing phospholipids improves beta-carotene metabolis Awarded
Post Doc Details
Institution Name Institution Address Start Date End Date Subject Outcome
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas, USA 02-07-2012 28-02-2013 Cell Biology, Kidney injury completed
University of South Florida Tampa/St Petersburg, Florida, USA 15-07-2008 30-06-2012 Phytochemicals and Cancer Research 4 publications from first postdoctoral program
Book Chapter Published
Article Title Book title Book editor Article pages No of Chapters Year ISBN Publisher Details
Carotenoids Metabolic Pathways and Their Functional Role in Health and Diseases Global perspectives on astaxanthin: from industrial production to food, health, and pharmaceutical a Dr. Ravishankar Gokare A & Dr. Ranga Rao Ambati 671-691 1 2021 9780128233047 Elsevier AP
Factors affecting bioaccessibility and bioefficacy of carotenoids Carotenoids: Properties, Processing and Applications Dr. Charis M. Galanakis 41-73 1 2020 9780128170670 Elsevier AP
Bio-fortification of carotenoids in agricultural and horticultural crops: A promising strategy to ta Vitamins and Minerals Bio-fortification of Edible Plants Noureddine Benkeblia 123-162 1 2020 9781119511113 John Wiley & Sons
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Low-dose doxorubicin with carotenoids selectively alters redox status and upregulates oxidative stre Food and Chemical Toxicology 2018 Other 8 2.000-4.999
Fractionation and Characterization of Lycopene-Oxidation Products by LC-MS/MS (ESI)+: Elucidation of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2018 Other 9 2.000-4.999
Inhibition of pulmonary β-carotene 15, 15’-oxygenase expression by glucocorticoid involves PPARα PLoS ONE 2017 2nd 3 2.000-4.999
Effects of the macular carotenoid lutein in human retinal epithelial cells MDPI-Antioxidants (Basel) 2017 Other 5 2.000-4.999
Mitochondrial β-carotene 9, 10-oxygenase modulates prostate cancer growth via NF-κB inhibition: a Molecular Cancer Research 2016 2nd 5 2.000-4.999
Basement membrane protein nidogen-1 is a target of meprin β in cisplatin nephrotoxicity Toxicology Letters 2015 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
β-Carotene regulates expression of β-carotene 15,15’-monoxygenase in human alveolar epithelial c Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2013 2nd 3 2.000-4.999
Single oral dose of micellar β-carotene containing phospholipids improves β-carotene metabolism an European Journal of Nutrition 2011 1st 3 2.000-4.999
Effect of blanching and drying process on carotenoids composition of underutilized Ethiopian (Coccin Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2009 Other 7 1.000-1.999
Bioefficacy of β-carotene is improved in rats after solubilized as equimolar dose of β-carotene an Nutrition Research 2009 1st 2 2.000-4.999
Phospholipid, oleic acid micelles and dietary olive oil influence the lutein absorption and activity Lipids 2009 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Lutein and zeaxanthin in leafy greens and their bioavailability: Olive oil influences the absorption Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Carotenoid composition and vitamin A activity of medicinally important green leafy vegetables Food Chemistry 2007 1st 5 2.000-4.999
Micellar oleic and eicosapentaenoic acid but not linoleic acid influences the β-carotene uptake and Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2006 1st 4 2.000-4.999
Determination of vitamin A value of familiar and less familiar Indian green leafy vegetables Journal of Rural Technology (CSIR, India) 2006 1st 3 0.001-0.999
Enhanced lutein bioavailability by lysophosphatidylcholine in rats Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2006 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Determination of major carotenoids in a few Indian leafy vegetables by high performance liquid chrom Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005 2nd 4 2.000-4.999
Influence of phospholipids on β-carotene absorption and conversion into vitamin A in rats Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2005 1st 4 0.001-0.999
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
Advancements in the Treatment of Cancer International Conference on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Drug Discovery 2018 Sivaram Research Foundation and Society for Conservation and Resource Development of Medicinal Plant International 18-07-2018 Bangalore India Three Days
Participation (Seminar, Conference, Workshop)
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Start Date Place Duration
Reorientating the Teaching-Learning paradigm for the 21st century classroom Workshop University Dept. of Biochemistry, School of chemical sciences, SJU 05-07-2023 Bengaluru 3 days
Life Sciences: Acceptance of the New Normal Conference International Faculty of Life Sciences, ST. ALOYSIUS’ COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), Jabalpur, MP 21-08-2021 Madhya Pradesh, India 2 Days
National Conference on Data Revolution in Computational Biology and Drug Development Conference National Bangalore Central University 17-12-2019 SJC Bengaluru 2 Days
Recent Trends in Plant Taxonomy Seminar State Department of Botany, Govt. College for Women, Mandya 29-09-2014 Mandya One Day
Training on Biomedical Waste Management Training Program University University of South Florida, Tampa, USA 04-10-2011 USF, Tampa, USA One Day
Course in Biosafety Principles and Practices Training Program University University of South Florida, Tampa, USA 08-10-2008 USF, Tampa, USA One Day
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Puraskara 2021 Others St. Joseph's College Autonomous Bengaluru 23-12-2022
Postdoctoral fellowship International University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas, USA 01-07-2012 1 year
Postdoctoral fellowship International University of South Florida Tampa/St Petersburg, Florida, USA 15-07-2008 4 years
CSIR-UGC Research Fellowships National CSIR-UGC India 01-03-2003 5 years
Previous Experience
Designation Institution Name Start Date End Date
Assistant Professor-Full time Guest faculty Bangalore University 08-07-2017 09-06-2018
Lecturer - Guest Faculty in Botany Govt. Science College 01-07-2016 30-06-2016
Assistant Professor and Head Dept. of Botany, Bharathi College - Postgraduate and Research Center 01-07-2014 30-06-2016
Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of South Florida 15-07-2008 30-06-2012
Postdoctoral fellow University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Teaching Learning and Evaluation Workshop Others SJU SJU 28-02-2024 28-02-2024
JESCOL - II Workshop HRDC HRDC in association with St Joseph's University Bengaluru 10-07-2023 12-07-2023
The Five Learning Disciplines (Re-imaging St. Joseph's) FDPs attended HRDC SJC SJC 12-07-2022 13-07-2022
One Week Live Webinar Series of International E-Conference in Plant Sciences Conference Online DOS in BOTANY, Davanagere University In Association with CIENCIAS AGROGENÓMICAS, ENES-Unidad León Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, LEÓN, GTO., MÉXICO Davanagere 25-05-2020 30-05-2020
Erudition 2020 Short term FDP FDPs attended Online PG Dept. of Chemistry, IQAC & Chemistry Alumni Association of Payyanur College in association with Kerala State Higher Education Council Online 23-05-2020 28-05-2020
Training on E-Content Development: Strategies, Tools and Opportunities FDPs attended HRDC St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bangalore Bengaluru 13-05-2020 21-05-2020
Workshop on Methods in Plant Sciences Workshop Others SJC in association with CellKraft Biotech Pvt Ltd SJC 01-02-2019 01-02-2019
JESCOL-1 Seminar Local BJES, Bengaluru SJC, Bangalore 28-09-2018 30-09-2018
Induction program 2018-19 Training Program Local SJC SJC, Bangalore 01-06-2018 08-06-2018
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
International Conference: “ISGCT 2021” on Cancer and Genetics Invited Talk International Dept. of Botany, St. Joseph's College, in association with Dr. Agarwal Hospitals, Bengaluru. 26-02-2021 St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru India
International conference FOODS 2012: FOOD WEB – A Global Connect Invited Talk International School of Food Science, M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous) 17-02-2012 Chennai, Tamilnadu India
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan

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