St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Mathematics

Faculty Details


Dr Raisa D'Souza

Assistant Professor,Mathematics

Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
PhD Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology Madras Sardar Patel Road, Chennai
M.Sc Mathematics Bangalore University (Mount Carmel College) 52, Palace Road, Bangalore Yes
B.Sc Physics Chemistry Mathematics Bangalore University (Mount Carmel College) 52, Palace Road, Bangalore Yes
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
NET Mathematical Sciences Cleared
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
On the Topology of real Bott manifolds Indian Institute of Technology (Madras) Sardar PAtel Road, Chennai 600036 19-12-2012 20-06-2018 On the Topology of real Bott manifolds, IJPAM, Vol 49, Issue 4, 2018 Awarded
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Extensions of i-reversible rings Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2022 Other 4
Results on the Topology of Generalized Real Bott Manifolds Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2019 1st 2 0.001-0.999
On the topology of real Bott manifolds Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2018 10.1007/s13226-018-0299-y 1st 1 0.001-0.999
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Workshop Local FOSSEE Animations, St Joseph's College, IIT BOMBAY 19-12-2019 Animating Science with Manim Two days St Joseph's College Bangalore
Awards, Achievements
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement Level Awarded by Place Date Duration of Fellowship
Puraskara Others St Joseph's University Bengaluru 18-05-2024
Guidance and Support
Title of the Paper Department Year of Guidance Type Name of the Institution Name of Students
Further study on t reversible rings MATHEMATICS 2024 Master's degree project St Joseph’s University Sai Sanathann Kethana
On the Sombor index of total and unit graphs associated with commutative rings MATHEMATICS 2024 Master's degree project St Joseph’s University Anukul Sachan
On the spectrum of total graphs of rings of integers modulo n MATHEMATICS 2024 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Akhil P
On weakly semi-commutative and weakly McCoy rings MATHEMATICS 2024 Master's degree project St Joseph’s University Chandana Sharma Kateel
An exploration of maps preserving products of matrices MATHEMATICS 2023 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Pavan Kumar
Understanding the Seidel spectrum of the comaximal graph MATHEMATICS 2023 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Ankith Udupa
Inner McCoy rings MATHEMATICS 2023 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Sharang Thimmaiah
Eulerian unit graphs of finite rings MATHEMATICS 2022 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Poojitha S Kamath
Understanding the Seidel Spectrum of the product of graphs MATHEMATICS 2022 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Aswathi S Mohan
On the alpha spectral radius of trees and the GTS poset MATHEMATICS 2021 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Merin Cherian
More results on the least eigenvalue of the A _alpha adjacency matrix of a graph MATHEMATICS 2021 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Snehal Sanjay Bulbule
On the lower bounds of the eigenvalues of eccentricity matrix of graphs MATHEMATICS 2021 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Janhavi B
Transmission subtraction eigenvalues and energy of graphs MATHEMATICS 2021 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Bhanu Kumar
On star colouring energy of some graphs MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Shivani S
On block copositive distance matrices and distance matrices of cycles with matrix weights MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Suhith K N
Block completely positive matrices MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Meghana P V
Knots and special graph theory MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Vishal G
A survey of intrinsically knotted graphs MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s college Dahlia Redker
A matrix approach to hybrid Sheffer-Appell polynomials MATHEMATICS 2020 Master's degree project St Joseph’s College Sreelakshmi T J
Quick factorization of matrices using generalized Schur Algorithm MATHEMATICS 2019 Dissertation Aishwarya H S (17MAT76005)
Positive Definite Matrices and Minimum Principles MATHEMATICS 2019 Term Paper Vaaruni H Rao (17EMS25009)
Generalizations of a matrix inequality to co-positive matrices MATHEMATICS 2019 Dissertation Vaishnavi S (17MAT76003)
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
Faculty Induction Program 15 Orientation Programmes National UGC Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (formerly HRDC) Jawaharlal Nehru University (online) 22-11-2023 22-12-2023
Computational Mathematics with SageMath MOOCs completed International NPTEL Online 24-01-2022 16-04-2022
Measure Theoretic Probability 1 MOOCs completed International NPTEL Online 26-06-2021 17-09-2021
Measure Theory Refresher Courses International NPTEL Online 18-01-2021 09-04-2021
Teacher's Enrichment Workshop on Linear Algebra and its Applications to Data Analysis and Control Workshop National MHRD TEQIP and III KITE IIT Bombay 18-11-2019 23-02-2020
School on K theory and its applications Others National Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore ISI Bangalore 26-12-2016 07-01-2017
Advanced Instructional School on Schemes and Cohomology Short Term Program National National Board of Higher Mathematics Kerala School of Mathematics (Calicut) 01-12-2014 19-12-2014
Annual Foundation School part 2 Short Term Program National National Board of Higher Mathematics Kerala School of Mathematics (Calicut) 01-05-2014 28-05-2014
Annual Foundation School Part 1 Short Term Program National National Board of Higher Mathematics Kerala School of Higher Mathematics (Calicut) 02-12-2013 28-12-2013
Science without boundaries Talks attended International International Centre for Theoretical Sciences Bangalore 01-03-2010 01-03-2010
Mathematical Analysis and Applications Workshop National Maharani Lakshmi Amani College Bangalore 31-01-2008 02-02-2008
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
Mathematics as a language Invited Talk College level St Joseph’s Pre University College 14-07-2023 Bangalore India
TEW on Real Analysis Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra Others National National Center for Mathematics 17-01-2022 Online India
Mentor speaks: Research series Invited Talk City Naxxatra 10-09-2021 Online India
86th Annual Meeting of the Indain Mathematical Society Invited Talk International Indian Mathematical Society in association with Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai 17-12-2020 Chennai India
Research ids
Google Scholar id ResearchGate id Orcid id Scopus Author ID Vidwan 0000-0003-3998-867X 57204916819 521774

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