The Linguistics Society is intended primarily as a co-curricular forum for students of MA English, CPE, and EJP, but its activities are open to all students and faculty interested in language studies. We hope thus to build a beyond-the-syllabus competence and engagement with ideas and debates in the field, while also promoting interest in research at the boundaries of the discipline.
The aims and objectives of the association are as follows:
Activities held during the odd semester 2020 include the intramural contests Script Ease and Spellunked. The Society will hold three invited talks during the even semester, and two inter-collegiate contests: Spellunked and Synops. Apart from this, there will be regular social media engagements through Instagram and Twitter, and Podium sessions, where Linguistics students present their observations/micro-research to an interested audience
To promote awareness of and interest in Linguistics as a field of work
To promote an engagement with matters of public concern such as language policy, language diversity and multilingual abilities.
To find a participatory ethic by which the above aims can be realised on campus
The Society will organise webinars and discussions around key areas of work in Linguistics, while also devising contests, and multilingual collaborations between students on campus/online.
St Joseph's University, 36 Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India