St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
Department Banner

Department of English

The Department of English was established in 1882, and is thus one of the oldest departments in the University. It has been home to stalwarts like Professors TRH Peck,  PK Venkata Rao, T Balasubramaniam, Fr. Julian Fernandez SJ,  Fr. Devasagayam SJ, PS Balasubramaniam, Fr. Hedwig Da Costa SJ , Barbra Naidu, Cheriyan Alexander, John Zachariah, and Etienne Rassendren.

The Department has over the years conceived many innovations in English teaching and was the first to adopt and explore the certificate course model in the 1990s. The streamed syllabus approach was introduced in 2005 to ensure that students from diverse backgrounds found inspiration to improve their language skills. A ‘lived experience’ model is employed for General English, based on a lively interrogation of context and social relationships through reading and writing. Additional English has been offered since 1998 for the benefit of students unable to pursue an Indian language.

In 2005, St. Josephs College (Autonomous)  began offering an MA in English. In 2013, the EJP (English, Journalism, Psychology) programme was started and the Department began offering Optional English whilst also collaborating on a unique inter-disciplinary approach to Journalism. A Communicative English programme was introduced through the BA-CPE programme from 2016 onward. Bangalore University recognised the Department as a Research Centre offering Ph.D programmes in 2018. The Department opened another interdisciplinary collaboration in Journalism for the BA-JIP programme in 2019, with a new focus on the ethical practice of journalism in the global context. In 2020, despite the many disruptions of the pandemic, the Department began an multi-disciplinary Theatre & Performance Studies course as part of the BA-TEP programme. The existing three-major BAs have resolved into two-major programmes following the adoption of NEP in Karnataka in 2021.

The student-centred focus of the Department’s work is visible in the five associations it runs—The Literary Society, The Quiz Club, The Performing Arts Society, Nous and The Linguistics Society. Each Association runs a flagship festival: Meta by the Literary Society, Upstage by Performing Arts, Blue Pencil by Nous, Tie Grab by the Quiz Club, and Some-Antics by the Linguistics Society. Apart from festivals, these associations run workshops, guest lectures, screenings and a social justice film festival, and other regular intramural activities. The Department also runs an alumni networking service titled JEAN, or Joseph’s English Alumni Network.

The Department brings out an occasional newsletter titled EngCompass, and two print magazines devoted to student writing titled EngSter and Soupçon. It runs a website for student journalism titled Open Dosa and also maintains the Rohith Vemula Archive for documenting the educational and social experiences of students from underprivileged communities.

The Department has held a national conference devoted to new textualities titled Writing Worlds, Worlds Writing since 2020.


Transforming the student through critical thinking



Recognising social contexts and transcending social inequalities through critical acts of reading and writing

Message from DEAN

Dr Arul Mani

Message from DEAN

Dear reader,

Greetings from the School of Languages and Literatures!

We believe that academic experiences can be joyful. 

Reading and writing are the means by which we begin asking ourselves who we are. They are also the means by which we begin to know the many worlds around us. The joy of learning moves us in these moments of discovery. 

The philosopher William James spoke of the experience of metanoia, a heartfelt understanding, a transformation from within. Every language class carries within it the potential to transform you for life, and that is why we take languages seriously at SJU.

St Joseph’s thus offers each of you an abundant joy in learning. 

Seize this opportunity!

Warm regards,

Dr Arul Mani

Dean, School of Languages & Literatures

Faculty Profile


SL. No. Name of the Supervisor Designation Area of Specialisation PhD Scholars
1 Ms Amrita Banerjee Assistant Professor

Area of Specialisation

  • Postcolonial studies
  • Victorian literature
  • Children’s Literature
  • Film and Cultural studies


  • Nohosanu Natalia Rhutso
  • Pradnya Waghule 


  •  Anjali Mira De Maria Mascarenhas 
2 Dr Arul Mani Associate Professor

Area of Specialisation

  • Curriculum Design
  • Examination Reform
  • World Literature
  • Stylistics
  • The Graphic Novel
  • Long-Form Journalism
  • Latin American Literature


  • Aditi Ekka
  • Calvin George Michael L
  • Leena D Souza
3 Dr Cheriyan Alexander Senior Research Faculty

Area of Specialisation

  • British Literature and European/Russian Literature (in English and in translation)
  • American Literature/American Studies
  • Literature and Religion
  • The Bible as Literature
  • Literature and Ecology/Ecocriticism
  • Indian Writing in English and in Translation
  • Cultural Studies
  • Fiction into Film


  • Maria Delphina P
  • Parul Batra
  • Ramakanth S M
  • Vijetha Kumar
4 Dr Etienne Rassendren Senior Research Faculty

Area of Specialisation

  • World literatures
  • Cultural studies
  • Critical theory
  • South Asian studies
  • Pluralism
  • Other Religious Studies


  • M Suriyaa
  • Sreenidhi S
  • Vimala Ct
5 Dr Lillykutty Abraham Assistant Professor

Area of Specialisation

  • Ecocriticism
  • Indian Literatures
  •  Folklore
  • Ethnographic Research
  • Women's Studies
  • English Literature


  • Gadha T R
  • Neha Ann Jishnu

PHD Scholars

Name of Research Scholar Date of Enrollment for Coursework at SJU Area of Research Title of the Thesis (Provisional) Link to the Profile of the Supervisor Status of the Thesis
GADHA T R 16-01-2024 Interdisciplinary study (Cultural studies, Intertextuality, Gender Studies) The Performed and the Performing: The Intertextual Politics of Representation and Identity in Kakkarissi Natakam Registered (On going)
NEHA ANN JISHNU 16-01-2024 Memory and Trauma studies, Film studies Traversing the Haunted Mind: A Study of Memory and Trauma as Embodiments in Mike Flanagan’s Horror Universe Registered (On going)
ANJALI MIRA DE MARIA MASCARENHAS 10-07-2023 Graphic Novels, Historical Fiction, Children's Literature Graphic Novels, Historical Fiction, Children's Literature In Coursework
ADITI EKKA 13-02-2023 Christian Studies, Cultural Studies, Autoethnography, Oraon culture Christian Studies, Cultural Studies, Autoethnography, Oraon culture Registered (On going)
CALVIN GEORGE MICHAEL L 13-02-2023 Cultural Studies & Oral History Cultural Studies & Oral History Registered (On going)
LEENA D SOUZA 13-02-2023 Experientiality of the First- Generation Girl Children in Learning English as their Second Language in Kalna Subdivision of West Bengal Experientiality of the First- Generation Girl Children in Learning English as their Second Language in Kalna Subdivision of West Bengal Registered (On going)
M SURIYAA 13-02-2023 Fiction to Film: Exploring Crime Stories and their Adaptations in Indian Context Fiction to Film: Exploring Crime Stories and their Adaptations in Indian Context Registered (On going)
MARIA DELPHINA P 13-02-2023 Culture Studies  Culture Studies Registered (On going)
NOHOSANU NATALIA RHUTSO 13-02-2023 Folklores - “Lore of the Death: Death and Death rituals of the Angami Nagas” Folklores - “Lore of the Death: Death and Death rituals of the Angami Nagas” Registered (On going)
PARUL BATRA 13-02-2023 Reception Studies; Relevance of Classics in English Studies; Austen Studies  Reception Studies; Relevance of Classics in English Studies; Austen Studies Registered (On going)
PRADNYA WAGHULE 13-02-2023 Cultural Studies Cultural Studies Registered (On going)
RAMAKANTH S M 13-02-2023 Ecology concerns in literature Ecology concerns in literature Registered (On going)
SREENIDHI S 13-02-2023 Representations of Bengaluru in the Select Novels: Reading and Interpreting the City Representations of Bengaluru in the Select Novels: Reading and Interpreting the City Registered (On going)
VIJETHA KUMAR 13-02-2023 American Literature, Women's Studies American Literature, Women's Studies Registered (On going)
VIMALA CT 13-02-2023 Food in Cinema - interpretation and perspectives Food in Cinema - interpretation and perspectives In Coursework

Visiting Researchers

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Post-Doctoral Researcher

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