Specialisation : Cancer Bacteriology and Environmental Microbiology.
Employee Code : SJC05
Academic Degree | Subject | University | Address of the University | Rank/ Medals |
Doctor of Philosophy | Botany | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560056 | |
Master of Philosophy | Microbiology | Bangalore Univesity | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056 | |
Master of Education | Education | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560 056 | |
Bachelor of Education | Education | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560 056 | |
Master of Science | Botany | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560056 | |
Bachelor of Science | Chemistry, Botany & Zoology | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560056 | |
Title of Thesis | University / Institution | University Address | Date of Registration | Date of Completion | Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) | Current Status |
Effect of some herbal formulations on Helicobacter pylori strains | Bangalore University | Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bengaluru - 560056 | 11-10-2004 | 12-06-2010 | Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in lower socio-economic status group in Bangalore C | Awarded |
College / University Name | College / University Address | Title | Registered Date | Completion Date | Marks / Grade Obtained | Published Paper Details |
Bangalore University | Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bengaluru-560056 | Helicobacter pylori prevalence in biopsy samples | 02-06-1997 | 30-08-1999 | 72.4% First Class | |
Title | Journal Name | Year | DOI/URL | Your authorial position | How many authors | Clarivate IF |
Molecular dynamics simulation analysis of Focal Adhesive Kinase (FAK) docked with solanesol as an anti-cancer agent | BIOINFORMATION | 2017 | https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5651220/ | 2nd | 3 | 0.001-0.999 |
Title of Project | Category | Level | Department | Current Status | Principal Investigator | Funding Agency | Project Start Date | Project End Date | Amount |
Anti-bacterial and anti-diabetic properties of Clerodendrum inerme. | Minor | Local | NATURAL SCIENCE | Completed | Jacob Paul V. J. | University Grants Commission | 28-02-2014 | Rs. 76,000/- | |
Title of Paper | Title of Seminar/Conference | Organized by | Level | Start Date | Place | Country | Duration |
Herbal therapeutics with reduced iron content inhibit Helicobacter pylori growth in vitro | Third Indo-Australian Conference on Biotechnology | Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics | International | 06-03-2006 | Hyderabad | India | Three Days |
Isolation of Helicobacter pylori from water samples of Tsunami Refugee Camp area of Nagapattinam and | International Conference on Marine and Terrene Ecology | Jesuits Tsunami Services | International | 17-01-2006 | Thirunelveli | India | Three Days |
Helicobacter pylori prevalence in gastroenterological biopsy samples of gastric ulcer patients in Ba | 23rd Annual Convention of the Indian Association for Cancer Research | Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer | National | 29-01-2004 | Kharghar, Navi Mumbai | India | Three Days |
Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in lower socio-economic status group of Bangalore C | Recent Advances in Cancer Causes and Control | Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala | International | 10-01-2003 | RCC,Thiruvananthapuram | India | Three Days |
Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Date From | Title of Event | Duration | Place |
Seminar | National | St. Xavier's College, Ranchi and Botanical Society, St. Joseph's University, Bengaluru | 25-07-2023 | Webinar on Enivronmental Ecology and Microbiology | One Day | St. Xavier's College, Ranchi |
Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Start Date | Place | Duration |
Reorienting the Teaching Learning Paradigm for the 21st Century Class Room | Workshop | National | Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph's University, Bengaluru | 05-07-2023 | Bengaluru | Three days |
Caring for our common home - World Environment Day Webinar | Seminar | National | Botanical society, St.Joseph's University and Universal Apostolic Preferences | 10-06-2023 | St. Joseph's University P.G and Research Centre, Audio Visual Room, Bengaluru | one day |
Credible Research Publications (Lecture Cum Discussion) | Others | Intra-Collegiate | St. Joseph's Research Institute, St. Joseph's University, Bengaluru | 13-10-2022 | St. Joseph's University , Xavier Hall, Bengaluru | One Day |
Diversity of Mushrooms from the western ghats | Seminar | National | Alva's colege, Moodubidire | 18-03-2022 | Dakshina Kannada | Two hours |
Excellence In Higher Education | Seminar | State | Conference of Catholic Colleges of Karnataka and The Xavier Board of Higher Education | 22-08-2019 | Teresian College, Mysore | One Day |
Evaluation Reforms | Workshop | State | University Grants Commission, South-Western Region | 29-07-2019 | Bangalore University, Central College Campus, Bengaluru | Two Days |
Modern trends in Infectious Diseases and Environmental Health | Symposium | Inter-Collegiate | University of Washington and St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | 01-03-2018 | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru | One Day |
Recent Trends in Cellular Mechanisms and Gene Expression | Workshop | State | Indian Academies of Sciences and St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | 12-02-2016 | St. Joseph's college (Autonomous) | Two Days |
Plant Taxonoy | Workshop | State | Indian Academies of Sciences and St. Joseph's College (Autonomous) | 12-09-2014 | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru | Two days |
Glimpses and Glory of Stem Cells | Seminar | State | Microcosm, St.Joseph's College and Manipal Institute of Regenerative Medicine | 21-09-2013 | St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru | One Day |
Name of the Body | Position | Level | Start Date | End Date | Any other Information |
International Society for Genomic and Evolutionary Microbiology | Life Member | International | 19-01-2006 | ||
International Society for Genomic and Evolutionary Microbiology | Life Member | International | 19-01-2006 | ||
Association of Microbiologists of India | Life Member | National | 23-04-2004 | ||
Society of Biological Chemists (India) | Life member | National | 26-06-2003 | ||
Indian Association for Cancer Research | Life Member | National | 12-01-2003 | ||
Society for Biotechnologists (India) | Life Member | National | 18-09-2000 | ||
Name of Fellowship/ Award/Achievement | Level | Awarded by | Place | Date | Duration of Fellowship |
UGC-FIP Teacher Fellowship | National | University Grants Commission | South Western Region - Bangalore | 01-03-2005 | Two Years |
Title of Event | Type of Event | Level | Organized by | Place | Date From | Date To |
Digital teaching tools | Training Program | Others | St. Joseph's University | ST Josephs University Digital Library | 17-01-2025 | 17-01-2025 |
CANCER BIOLOGY | Workshop | National | Ethical Edufabrica Pvt. Ltd and Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru | Dept of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru | 27-01-2024 | 28-01-2024 |
Capacity building approach to teaching Undergraduate Biology | workshop | Others | Azim Premji University and SJC | St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru | 26-03-2022 | 26-03-2022 |
How to make a Terrarium - a mini garden | Others | National | Botany Dept. St. Joseph's College | Online | 05-06-2021 | 05-06-2021 |
Discover Permaculture | Others | National | United Conservation Movement Association and St. Joseph's College | Online | 05-06-2021 | 05-06-2021 |
Understand your Psychology! Take control of your life | Others | National | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University | Online | 04-10-2020 | 04-10-2020 |
Emotional literacy of Teachers | Others | National | Tamilnadu Teachers Education University | Online | 23-09-2020 | 23-09-2020 |
Biology of Behaviour | Others | International | Ramaiah College of Education | Online | 19-09-2020 | 19-09-2020 |
How to engage and inspire a virtual audience? | Others | International | Ramaiah College of Education | Online | 18-09-2020 | 18-09-2020 |
Conversations on Conservation | Others | International | Dept. of Environmental Science, St.Joseph's College | Online | 12-09-2020 | 12-09-2020 |
X-ray spectroscopy as tool in understanding biological catalysis | Others | International | Dept. of Chemistry, St. Joseph's College | Online | 29-07-2020 | 29-07-2020 |
Managing Talent | MOOCs completed | International | University of Michigan | Online | 20-07-2020 | 16-08-2020 |
History and biology of Corona Virus & reflections on a post-COVID world | Others | National | Dept. of Chemistry, St.Joseph's College | Online | 11-07-2020 | 11-07-2020 |
Nutrigenomics | Others | National | Botany Dept. M.E.S. College | Online | 11-07-2020 | 11-07-2020 |
Inspiring and Motivating Individuals | MOOCs completed | International | University of Michigan | Online | 02-07-2020 | 19-07-2020 |
Bioprospection - synthesis of novel biomolecules and their patents | Others | National | Jyothi Nivas College | Online | 01-07-2020 | 01-07-2020 |
Current trends in Phytomedicine research | Others | International | Dept. of Botany, St. Joseph's College | Online | 14-06-2020 | 14-06-2022 |
Species recovery and conservation of endagered species in India | Others | National | Dept. of Botany, St. Joseph's College | Online | 05-06-2020 | 05-06-2020 |
Positive Impact of Covid-19: Psyco-Socio-Spiritual Dimension | Others | International | Dept. of Sociology, St. Joseph's College | Online | 03-06-2020 | 03-06-2020 |
Survival games played by bacteria | Others | National | Sastra Deemed-to-be University | Online | 14-05-2020 | 14-05-2020 |
Plantomics in space | Others | International | Botanical Society, St. Joseph's College | Online | 05-05-2020 | 05-05-2020 |
STEM teacher training workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools | Workshop | National | Indian Institute of Science Education and Reaserch, Pune | IISER, Pune | 26-02-2017 | 01-03-2017 |
Developing Quality Monographs for Pharmacopoeia for Herbs and Herbal Products | Workshop | National | Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India | Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Bangalore | 04-09-2009 | 05-09-2009 |
Vaccines for Cancer, Infecrtious diseases, Lifestyle and Degenerative Diseases. | Conference | International | Centre for DNA Finger Printing and Diagnostics | CDFD,Hyderabad | 06-03-2006 | 08-03-2006 |
Biovistas- Future and Beyond | Conference | National | St. Joseph's College | Bangalore | 24-02-2006 | 25-02-2006 |
Symposium on Translational Research: Apoptosis and Cancer | Conference | International | Kerala University, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology & Society for Biotechnologists | Trivandrum | 18-12-2005 | 09-03-2022 |
Biotechnology in Infectious Diseases | Conference | International | Kasturba Medical College, I.I.Sc, & Queensland Institute of Medical Research | MAHE, Manipal | 01-03-2005 | 03-03-2005 |
Neuro-linguistic Programming | Workshop | Local | St. Joseph's College | Bangalore | 04-01-2005 | 04-01-2005 |
Biotechnology and Neuroscience | Conference | International | Centre for Neuroscience, CUSAT, Society for Biotechnologists, Society for Neurochemistry | Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin | 29-12-2004 | 31-12-2004 |
UGC sponsored RC in Environmental Biotechnology | Refresher Courses | National | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, ASC | Hyderabad | 05-08-2004 | 25-08-2004 |
Biotechnology in Medicine | Conference | International | Australian Government, Indian Institute of Science and Christian Medical College, Vellore | Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. | 09-02-2004 | 11-02-2004 |
Symposium on Anti-Cancer Drug Development | Conference | National | Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer | ACTREC, Navi Mumbai | 29-01-2004 | 31-01-2004 |
Emerging trends in Biodiversity and Biotechnology in the Indian Context | Seminar | National | Christ College | Christ College, Bengaluru | 25-09-2003 | 27-09-2003 |
International Symposium on Recent advances in Cancer causes and Control | Conference | International | Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram | Thiruvanathapuram | 10-01-2003 | 12-01-2003 |
UGC sponsored Orientation Course | Refresher Courses | National | Academic Staff College, Bangalore University | Bangalore | 26-09-2001 | 24-10-2022 |
Microbial Biodiversity and Applications | Seminar | Local | Bangalore University | Bangalore | 12-10-2000 | 12-10-2000 |
Microbiology, Biotechnology and Allergy | Seminar | Local | Microbiological Society & Indian Academy of Allergy | Bangalore | 10-10-2000 | 11-10-2000 |
UGC Sponsored RC in Life Science | Refresher Courses | National | Academic Staff College, University of Calicut | Calicut | 16-08-2000 | 05-09-2000 |
UGC sponsored RC in Microbiology | Refresher Courses | National | Academic Staff College, Goa University | Goa | 02-09-1998 | 22-09-1998 |
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