Year | Department | Name (of the Staff/Student/Research scholar) | Title (of the Publication) | DoI/URL |
2024 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Melwyn Amrithraj | Exploring the Potential of Machine Learning in Improving Educational Outcomes for Students with Special Needs | |
2024 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Link reliable on-demand distance vector routing for mobile ad hoc networks | |
2024 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty T K | Science and technology of rice matters more in the 21st century | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | ANNIE SYRIEN | Predictive Modeling of Public Opinion for Karnataka Elections using Twitter Data Analysis | 10.2991/978-94-6463-250-7_30 |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | B. Nithya | Fuzzy and ANN based model for Test case prioritization for Regression testing | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Dr. B G Prasanthi | Analysing Sales Enablement Technologies and Their Role in Enhancing Sales Teams | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Dr. B G PRASANTHI | Fuzzy and ANN absed model for test case prioritization for regression testing | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | MRINMOYEE BHATTACHARYA | A hybrid approach to enhanced genetic algorithm for route optimization problems. | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Mrs. Annie Syrien | Knowledge based Techniques for Pragmatic Feature Engineering and Opinion Mining on Divergent Data sets | |
2023 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty T K | Analysis and Implementation of Linear and Multiple Regression for Data Visualization | |
2022 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Dr. B G PRASANTHI | The Importance of Training and Development in Organization :What matters in Practise“ in International journal of Mechanical Engineerin | |
2022 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Melwyn Amrithraj | Online Game Wordle and Associated Vocabulary Acquisition | |
2022 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | MRINMOYEE BHATTACHARYA | A dynamic approach for parameter tuning in genetic algorithm using crossover and mutation ratios | |
2022 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | Data driven approach to Predict Ground Water Level Using Support Vector Regression | |
2022 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sridevi J | Secured identity management using single sign- on in private cloud | |
2021 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | A novel performance enhancement of real-time iot applications using big data analytics | |
2021 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | A Review of Applications of Machine Learning for Smart Farming | |
2021 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | A Novel Methodology for Modeling Ground Water Changes in Irrigation using Machine Learning Techniques | |
2020 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Melwyn Amrithraj | Contraptions to Avoid Object Obstacles and Increase the Efficiency Using Quad Copters in Drone Technology: How to Build Your Own Drone | |
2019 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Deepa Nagalavi | An Improved Attention Layer assisted Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Model for Abstractive Text Summarization | |
2019 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Link Reliable On-demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing for Reliable Video Streaming in MANET | |
2019 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | Prediction and Analysis of Water Resources using Machine Learning Algorithm | |
2019 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | A Comparative Study of Different Optimization Algorithms for Optimal Allocation of Water Resources | |
2019 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | An Implementation of Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Water Allocation Problem, | |
2018 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Deepa Nagalavi | The NLP Techniques for Automatic Multi-Article News Summarization Based on Abstract Meaning Representation | , |
2018 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Deepa Nagalavi | A New Graph Based Sequence Clustering Approach For News Article Retrieval System | 10.1109/ICPCSI.2017.8391957 |
2018 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | A Statistical Preprocessing based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for Water Data, | |
2018 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | An Architecture Model for Optimal Allocation of Water to Domestic Users using Data Mining Techniques - A Case Study of Bengaluru City | |
2018 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | Optimal Water Allocation Using Data Mining Techniques- A Survey | |
2017 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Deepa Nagalavi | An Architecture for Efficient News Items Clustering and Retrieval Based on Language Models for a Dynamic Collection of ENewspapers | |
2017 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Link Reliable Energy Efficient AOMDV routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks | |
2017 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Streaming Evaluation of LR-EE-AOMDV protocol in MANET | |
2017 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | Time Series Analysis for Water Inflow | |
2016 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Link Reliable Joint Path and Spectrum Diversity in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks | |
2016 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | End-to-End Link Reliable Energy Efficient Multipath Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks | |
2015 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Mr. Timothy Paul | Neuron the memory unit of the Brain | |
2015 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Link Reliable Multipath Routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks | |
2015 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | A Novel Energy Efficient Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks | |
2015 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Vinitha Dominic | Investigation of chronic disease correlation using data mining techniques | |
2015 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Vinitha Dominic | An Effective Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Cardiovascular Disease | |
2014 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Energy Optimized Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad hoc Networks | |
2014 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Comparative Performance Analysis of AODV and AODV-MIMC Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad hoc Networks | 10.5815/ijcnis.2014.06.08 |
2014 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Quality-of-Service Analysis of AOMDV and AOMDV-MIMC Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | |
2014 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | A novel approach to enhance the quality of AOMDV routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks | |
2013 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Survey of multipath routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks | 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.12.09 |
2013 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Performance comparison and evaluation of different multipath routing protocols based on various scenario and traffic patterns for mobile ad hoc networks | 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.01.03 |
2013 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | A Survey of Unipath Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | |
2012 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | Impact of variation in pause time and network load in AODV and AOMDV protocols | |
2012 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Periyasamy P | A simulation based QoS review of multipath routing protocols for MANET | |
2012 | COMPUTER SCIENCE | Sara Kutty | Clustering of Engineering Materials Data Sets Using Fuzzy System | |
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