St Joseph's University has established a documentation centre in order to create a database of all events, activities, programmes, projects, meetings, seminars, conferences, achievements, publications, awards- academic, curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities related to staff, students, management and alumni. Every detail of the life of our institution needs to be documented for perpetual memory. Hence the student leaders, office bearers of various associations, officials, Deans, HODs, COE and office superintendent are required to cooperate in this great task of compiling and documenting every event/activity by sending the required information along with the photographs, videos and reports in the detailed approach below:
Prior to the event : Any teachers with a login Id for Linways can go to the Linways staff log in :TAB- EXAT: TAB-event activities and major events: TAB-add new entry.
The details are self explanatory. All events that are planned and need website coverage must be added here. It is compulsory for staff members to report a planned event here.
Post this the room booking can be done on the TAB for infrastructure management on Liways.
After the event is completed the report must be handed over to the department incharge who will update the report by logging into Linways department incharge log in(Doc- dept) :TAB- EXAT: TAB-department: TAB-events organised :TAB-add new entry.
Student achievements for clearing exams, participation and securing various places can be recorded by the concerned department by logging into Linways department incharge log in(Doc- dept) : TAB- EXAT: TAB-studentst: TAB-achievements/SLET/NET /EXAM CLEARED : TAB-add new entry.
Individual staff members must update their linways profile from time to time.