St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021
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Department of Biotechnology

Faculty Details


Dr Madappa M B

Associate Professor,Biotechnology

Specialisation : Plant phytochemicals and DNA bar coding

Employee Code : 20050901118


Faculty Details

Academic Degree Subject University Address of the University Rank/ Medals
PhD Botany Bharathiar University Bharathiar University ,Marudhamalai Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641046
MPhil Botany Bharathidasan University Bharathidasan University Palkalaiperur Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 Tamil Nadu, India
MSc Botany Bangalore University Gnana Bharathi Campus, Gnana Bharathi Main Rd, Teachers Colony, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560
BSc Chemistry Botany Zoology Bangalore University Gnana Bharathi Campus, Gnana Bharathi Main Rd, Teachers Colony, Nagarbhavi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560
Eligibility Details
Category Subject Status
PhD Details
Title of Thesis University / Institution University Address Date of Registration Date of Completion Details of papers published (Enter the total number of papers published / under process as part of Phd) Current Status
Study of chemical composition and genetic variability among some Garcinia species from Western Ghats Bharathiar University Bharathiar University ,Marudhamalai Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641046 01-08-2014 10-02-2020 5 Awarded
M.Phil Details
College / University Name College / University Address Title Registered Date Completion Date Marks / Grade Obtained Published Paper Details
Bharathidasan University Bharathidasan University Palkalaiperur Tiruchirappalli - 620 024 Tamil Nadu, India Invitro multiplication of some ornamental anthuriums 01-06-2006 01-05-2008 386 Invitro multiplication of some ornamental anthuriums.Biovistas .Proceedings .2008
Title Journal Name Year DOI/URL Your authorial position How many authors Clarivate IF
Influence of ??lipoic acid on longevity and stress resistance in Drosophila melanogaster fed with a high?fat diet Biogerontology 2024 Corresponding 4 4.4
Estimation and comparison of amount of organic acids from dried leaves of Garcinia cambogia, Garcini Pharmacognosy Research 2019 1st and corresponding 2 0.001-0.999
Phylogenetic Assessment of Garcinia Species Using RAPD Markers Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia 2019 1st and corresponding 3 0.001-0.999
A Study on the Sampling of Drosophila Melanogaster under Various Environmental Conditions International Journal for Scientific Research & Development 2018 Other 3
RAPD Analysis Of Rapidly Multiplied In Vitro Plantlets of Anthurium Andreanum Bicolour Var Agnihotri IOSR Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2015 2nd and corresponding 3
Preliminary phytochemical analysis of leaf of Garcinia gummigutta from Western Ghats IOSR, Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Science 2012 1st and corresponding 2
Title of Project Category Level Department Current Status Principal Investigator Funding Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Amount
Phylogenetic analysis of garcinia species using Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers Minor National BIOTECHNOLOGY Completed Madappa Machamada Bheemaiah UGC 01-05-2015 01-03-2017 2,40,000
Title of Paper Title of Seminar/Conference Organized by Level Start Date Place Country Duration
In vitro Multiplication of ornamental anthuriums Recent trends in Plant Sciences Post graduate department of Botany National 01-02-2008 Bangalore India Two Days
in vitro experiments on Anthuriums from Kodagu Biovistas,Future and Beyond Dept Of Botany,St.Joseph's College,Bangalore National 24-02-2006 Bangalore India Two Days
Events Organized
Type of Event Level Organized by Date From Title of Event Duration Place
Seminar International life sciences departments collaboration with Washington University 01-03-2017 Modern trends in Infectious Diseases, Environment and Health One day SJC bangalore
Workshop Local BIOTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 24-03-2015 Biopractice- workshop on HPLC One day BIOTECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT LABS
Workshop Local Biopractice in collaboration with dept of Biotechnology 23-03-2015 Hand on training in HPLC Two days St.Joseph's College
Seminar State UGC Sponsered ,Department of Biotechnology 03-03-2015 Emerging trends in DNA Research Two days St. Joseph's College Bangalore
Conference Local St.Joseph's College :all departments 28-02-2015 singularitas Three days St.Joseph's College
Seminar Local department of biotechnology in collaboration with Probiosis Pvt Ltd 02-08-2012 academy industry panel discussion One day St.Joseph's College Bangalore
Workshop National biotechnology 09-02-2011 Molecular markers Two days St.Joseph's College Bangalore
Workshop All departments 04-12-2008 Science exhibition and presenation of Models Three days St.Joseph's college Bangalore
Seminar National Biotechnology 11-03-2008 Bioinformation Two days St.Joseph's college
Conference National botany department 24-02-2006 Biovistas future and beyond Two days Commerce college SJC
Name of Consultant Name of the facility used Organization of the Consultant Name of Consultancy Project Sponsoring Agency Date of Consultancy Revenue Generated (amount in Rupees)
Afiya Sana ,Maimoona Sana ,Moushiya serin reseach consultancy for PCR and phyochemical related work SIR SYED INSTITUTE FOR TECHNICAL STUDIES”, KARIMBAM TALIPARAMBA, KANNUR, KERALA reseach consultancy for PCR and phyochemical related work self 12-02-2024 22500
students from various colleges Biotechnology labs, SJC SELF FUNDED Utilization of Expertise for Research self 01-04-2020 20000
research work Biotechnology labs, SJC University /College Utilization of expertise for research Individual 30-04-2019 40000
Students from different colleges Biotechnology labs, SJC College /University Utilization of expertise for reseach Self 31-03-2018 24,000
Students from different college Biotechnology labs, SJC College /University Utilization of Expertise for Research Self 17-04-2017 76000
Popular Media Articles
Serial Number Name of Article Name of the Magazine / Media Year Link
1 Talk with teachers: rewarding student research requires college teachers to be recognised as guides India Biosciences 29-07-2019
Faculty Development Program
Title of Event Type of Event Level Organized by Place Date From Date To
National Level Awareness Program on Institutional Development Plan (IDP) for Higher Education Institutions Other Orientation National elangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), and Institute for Academic Excellence (IAE), Hyderabad Hyderabad 06-03-2025 06-03-2025
Digital Teaching Tools FDPs attended HRDC Online Teaching and Digital Programme Committee of St Joseph's University Bengaluru 16-01-2025 18-01-2025
Best practices and institutional distinctiveness Other Orientation National ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION FOR CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION,Delhi DELHI 04-03-2024 07-03-2024
dvanced tools and techniques in research methadology FDPs attended International Research foundation of India and RFI-CARE INDIA 26-02-2024 07-03-2024
Smart Data Storage: Next-Gen Archiving and Retrieval FDPs attended National Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for WomenDr Coimbatore 19-02-2024 23-02-2024
Perspectives, Innovations and Future Developments in Biological Sciences FDPs attended National Centre for Bioscience and Nanoscience Research (CBNR), Eachanari, Coimbatore-21, Tamil Nadu, India. Coimbatore 05-02-2024 09-02-2024
Best Practices Benchmarking in HEI's for quality Enhancement FDPs attended National Guru Shree Shantivijai Jain College for Women Chennai 26-10-2023 31-10-2023
Integration of NAAC standard with ISO 21001 Seminar National ISDE Academy India Pvt. Ltd BENGALURU 25-08-2023 25-08-2023
Reorientating the teaching-learning paradigm for the 21st Century Classroom Workshop International St. Joseph's University Bengaluru 05-07-2023 07-09-2023
One-Week Online National Faculty Development Program/Certificate Program on "MOOCs and e-Content Development" FDPs attended National GAD-TLC and Ministry of Education Delhi 25-05-2023 31-05-2023
RBPT level 3writers workshop for STEM teachers Workshop National IISER Pune, MHRD, DBT GOVT OF INDIA, BRITISH COUNCIL Pune, IISER 20-01-2019 23-01-2019
Level 2 of the STEM teacher training workshop on Research based Pedagogical tools Workshop National Center of excellence in science and Mathematics education ,IISER Pune Indian National Science Academy ,Delhi 06-12-2017 08-12-2017
Formation of Jesuit university with a difference Workshop Local St.Josephs college Bangalore 17-11-2017 18-11-2017
STEM teacher training workshop on research based pedagogical tools Workshop National Center for excellence in science and Mathematics Education,IISER Pune Raipur 06-10-2017 09-10-2017
Data processing and automation for National Institutional Ranking Framework Workshop Local St.Josephs Institute of Management Bangalore 02-09-2017 02-09-2017
Biotechnology ,Bioprospecting and conservation of Bioresources Workshop National Indian Academy of sciences Bangalore 12-01-2017 13-01-2017
Emerging Trends in DNA Research Conference National Department of Biotechnology. St Josephs college Bangalore 03-03-2015 04-03-2015
Excellence in Jesuit higher education Seminar National Karnataka Jesuit Province commission for higher education St.Josephs commerce college 14-11-2014 15-11-2014
Entrepreneurship,Innovation and Inclusiveness-A Strategic Paradigm Conference International Jyoti Nivas College Bangalore 16-09-2014 17-09-2014
Bioneers Conference National Jain University Bangalore 06-02-2014 07-02-2014
Bioinformatics techniques in drug designing Workshop National CMCB,Department of Botany,Biotechnology and computer science Bangalore 19-01-2012 20-01-2012
NEN faculty development course,Kickstart the Entrepreneurial Campus Workshop National National Entrepreneurship Network Dayananda sagar college of Engineering, Bangalore 15-07-2011 17-07-2011
Resource Persons
Title of the Program Role Level Organized by Start Date Place Country
role of IQAC in stratergic planning and implementation of criteris in autonomous colleges Invited Talk Intra Collegiate Ramaiah college of arts ,science and commerce 26-03-2024 Bengaluru India
Role of IQAC in role of IQAC in autonomous status Invited Talk Intra Collegiate Ramiah college Bengaluru 18-05-2023 Ramaiah college Bengaluru India
Joint course on Biodiversity and Environmental Health Others International collaboration with Seattle University, a Jesuit University in Washington State, USA and St. Joseph†13-12-2019 Bengaluru India
Regional workshop on Research based pedagogical tools Subject Expert National IISER Pune,supported by MHRD, 22-08-2019 IISER Pune India
Regional Workshop on Research based Pedagogical tools Subject Expert National IISER PUNE 03-06-2019 jawaharlal Neharu National college of Engineering Navule Shimogga India
RBPT in house workshop Others Local ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE 04-04-2018 St. Joseph's College India
International conference on Green technologies for sustainable ecosystem and trade show Judge International Department of Botany,St.Josephs College 26-02-2016 Bangalore India
Molecular Markers Workshop Subject Expert National Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology ,St Josephs college 09-09-2011 Bangalore India

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