St Joseph's University, 36, Lalbagh Road, Bengaluru-560027, Karnataka, India.
A Public-Private-Partnership University under RUSA 2.0 of MHRD (Government of India), established by the Karnataka Govt. Act No. 24 of 2021

Research Publications

Research Publications

Year Department Name (of the Staff/Student/Research scholar) Title (of the Publication) DoI/URL
ENGLISH ACHUTH A Teaching in the Times of Corona: Structural Inequalities and the Limitations of Online Pedagogy in N
ENGLISH ACHUTH A Revisiting the Coffee House: Space, Public Sphere and Nostalgia within the Indian Coffee House
ENGLISH Amanda Dsouza “Susie Will Not Speak”; “Vibhuti Cat”; “The Crest of the Snake’s Head And More: 5 Advent November 2018,
ENGLISH Amanda Dsouza Virtual realty: Websites are now using social media to engage with potential buyers
ENGLISH Amanda Dsouza All that Glitters
ENGLISH Amanda Dsouza Bring Home the Future -
ENGLISH AMRITA BANERJEE Hostile Spaces, Gendered response: A reading of Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide ISSN: 0975-1815;
ENGLISH AMRITA BANERJEE A Dumping ground of the West: A reading of Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason ISSN 0975-6248
ENGLISH Christy Kuruvilla Thomas Subverting Socialist Realism: Aesopian Elements in Dimitri Shostakovich’s Opera, The Nose
ENGLISH Christy Kuruvilla Thomas The Negro Spirituals as “Subjugated Knowledges”: A Foucauldian Critique in Music.
ENGLISH Christy Kuruvilla Thomas Questioning Representations of the Unclean: Racism in Victorian Soap Advertisements
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Tradition and Colonial Modernity: Reading M.K Indira’s Phaniyamma (1976) Print journal
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Postcolonialism and Indian Literature
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta The Cultural Representation and the Process of Modernization in Lambani Tribe of Karnataka
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Beyond the Margin: Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Interior Conflicts in Vaidehi’s Chandaley Print journal
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Transgression of Gendered boundaries: Desires and Sexuality in Select Kannada Novels Print journal
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta Subversion of Naranappa in U R. Ananthmurthy’s Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man Print journal
ENGLISH Dr. Geeta The Theme of Motherhood in Chandrashekhar Kambar’s Singarevva and the Palace Print journal
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM The Role of Folksongs in Preservation of Tribal Culture: A Case Study on Mavilan Tribe print journal
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Environmental Ethics in Karimpala Tribe Print
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Narrative of Counter Discourse in Mavilan Songs: An Ecocritical Perspective Print Journal
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM The Future of Indigenous Languages: Challenges of Translating Mavilan Songs DOI:10.46623/tt/2020.14.2.ar6
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Worldview of Interconnectedness in the Songs of Mavilan Tribe
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Revisiting Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax as Stimulus for Sustainable Development Goal 15
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Bioregionalism as the Landmark of the Songs of Mavilan Tribe: An Ecocritical Enquiry
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Girish Karnad’s Naga-Mandala: A Neo-tinai Poetic Reading
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Art Forms as Narrative of Resistance: A Glance at the Art Forms of Mavialn Tribe
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM Women, Fertility and the Earth: A Tribal Perspective
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM “‘Mangalamkali’ of Mavilan Tribe: An Ecocritical Reading.”
ENGLISH Dr. LILLYKUTTY ABRAHAM The Creation Myth of Mavilan Tribe: An Ecocritical Reading
ENGLISH Dr.Aloysius Sebastian Hindu Nationalism in Chandamama
ENGLISH Dr.Aloysius Sebastian The Pantheistic Hermit and the Sacred Forest: Perspectives of Vedic Ecology
ENGLISH Dr.Aloysius Sebastian The Journey from the Village to the City in Malayalam Cinema: A Comparative Analysis of Thalayana Manthram and Bangalore Days
ENGLISH Maya Philip Crispy and Crunchy Handmade Pappads
ENGLISH Maya Philip The Small Acts
ENGLISH Maya Philip When Grandma Told Me The Startling Truth About My Sister’s Work As A Surrogate Mom
ENGLISH Md. Tauseef Qamar Issues in Urdu-Hindi NER Output of Google and Bing Translator: An Orthographic Perspective 10.35940/ijrte.D8067.118419
ENGLISH Md. Tauseef Qamar Coroneologisms and Word Formation Processes in Hindi-English Codemixed Words 10.4312/ala.12.1.59-89
ENGLISH MINI MARK Pedagogic Spaces and Identities: Film as Text ISSN 0975-329X|https://doi: 10.12724/ajss.46.3
ENGLISH MINI MARK Thuggee and Sati Revisited: The Persistence of the Colonial Gaze in the Merchant Ivory Film the Dece ISSN 0975-329X|https://doi: 10.12724/ajss.38.2
ENGLISH Mr.NIGEL GEORGE Bringing the Tribal into the Mainstream : The Paradox of Inclusion
ENGLISH Navya Dennis Questioning Representations of the Unclean: Racism in Victorian Soap Advertisements
ENGLISH Navya Dennis 'Remnants of Caste within Catholic Church'
ENGLISH Navya Dennis 'A Tour of History through Visual Narratives'
ENGLISH Navya Dennis Examining the depths of the title 'Things Fall Apart' in Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart
ENGLISH PARUL BATRA 'Ada' Uncloaked: Performativity of Language in Ruswa's Umrao Jan Ada
ENGLISH PARUL BATRA Re-stor(y)ing and Re-membering the Indigenous in the Cosmopolitical Imagination: A Review
ENGLISH PARUL BATRA Book Review: On Critical Pedagogy by Henry Giroux
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